Page 19 of Fear is the Key

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I wantedthings to feel normal again, and for that to happen, I had to put in the effort. So much of my time and energy was spent on training with Tessa and Sky, I felt I was neglecting the rest of the guys. Gavin and I drove to school together, and I was relieved some of our normal routine was back when we all met up in the courtyard.

Fewer and fewer eyes were on us each week, and since Spring Break, practically no one spared us a second glance. We were old news. A part of the scenery now. The other students seemed to finally accept that I hung out with all guys. We were careful not to be too physical or affectionate so that likely helped the attention fade away. We didn’t give people anything to talk about, so they found something else.

I paid only enough attention during each class to take the necessary notes before zoning out to think about the guys. Vince and Gavin opened up to me so much over the weekend, and things were good there. But the other three? I still worried. I should make an effort to ensure Luca that I wasn’t holding a grudge, but since he and I spent time together recently, I decided Noah probably needed one-on-one time, and he would be the last to ask for it.

At lunch, I arrived first at our table and watched the doors, hoping Noah would arrive first. Of course, I wasn’t that lucky, and Gavin and Skyler came through together. They continued their conversation about an upcoming superhero movie when they sat down next to me. This was perfect. If they stayed distracted, I could still talk to Noah without their noticing.

Luca walked in, and I tried not to let my disappointment show. Vince caught up to him, and they came over together. Vince was talking about the football team, and I scooted to the end of the table hoping they would all remain occupied.

A full minute passed without Noah. I was ready to text him when I finally caught sight of him walking in with his backpack hung over one shoulder. He smiled when he saw me staring.

“Hey.” He slid into the open seat next to me.

“Hi.” I smiled, suddenly shy.

“What’s going on?” He scanned the others then looked back at me.

“Oh, they’re talking about some movie.” I was trying to block it out now that all four were debating which villain would be the best against whichever hero it was.

He cocked a brow. “And you’re not interested?”

I shook my head. “I’ll end up having to watch it at some point so why talk it to death now?”

He let out a small laugh. “Fair enough.”

He pulled out his lunch and unwrapped a sandwich while I popped a baby carrot in my mouth.

“Do you have plans after school?” I tried sounding as casual as possible. I was acting crazy. I’ve shared a bed with him. Why was asking him to hang out suddenly so intimidating?

“I don’t think so,” he replied before taking another bite.

“Would you mind helping me practice the self-defense moves Tessa taught me?”

He nodded as he swallowed. “Sure. Is Skyler busy?”

“I don’t know.” It was the truth. I glanced over, but none of them seemed to even notice we were there.

Noah’s eyes narrowed. “Okay.”

I was acting weird, and he knew it but was too polite to say anything. “I just want to spend some time with you.”

A wide grin spread on his lips. “Some time beating me up?”

I giggled. “Yeah.”

“Sounds good to me.”

I smiled and ate another carrot while the others finished their debate.

“Just come over after school, and we can find out,” Sky challenged Gavin.

“Fine,” Gavin conceded.

“I’m coming too,” Vince said before turning to Luca, “You in?”

Luca nodded and finally, it seemed like they remembered us. “Are you coming?” he asked Noah.
