Page 21 of Fear is the Key

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He nodded. “I’m pretty sure all of our parents were hoping we’d end up with super-fast healing as our ability. We’ve calmed down a bit now that we’re older.”

“Yeah, now it’s just fighting on video games,” I mocked.

“Well, we needed a new way to compete with each other that was on more even playing fields. We got sick of Vince beating us at everything physical.”

He rolled his shoulders and eyed me, “How many times have you practiced this?”

“Just once,” I admitted. “We went through each movement about ten times. I felt pretty good about it, but I want to make sure I can still react the same way with other people.”

Noah nodded and took a step back and pulled out his phone. Within seconds, loud music filled the room.

“What’s that for?” I yelled.

“Dulls your senses and distracts you,” he shouted back.

That would make this a bit more challenging.

“Ready?” he asked.

I wasn’t sure, but like most things with the Society, I’d figure it out as I went. I nodded, and he faced me before charging forward.

I froze, but only for a moment. When he was within arm’s reach, I started to move but switched into a groin kick, hoping to throw him off.

He blocked it at the last second and spun away. He came at me from the side, and I used the force of my rotating torso to power my heel punch.

He ducked and wrapped his arms around my chest from behind. I jerked forward to create space and threw one arm down to hit his groin, but he moved out of the way as I brought my elbow up and back. I managed to make contact with his chin. Not my target, but it sufficed. He grunted and dropped his grip.

I spun around panicking that I hurt him. “Are you okay?”

He smiled and nodded. “Keep going.”

I barely heard his response before charging again.

We continued with his relentless attempts to bring me to the ground until I had sweat dripping down my face and back. I got several hits in, but once he saw that I was getting tired, he lowered the music and suggested we stretch.

Noah sat down with his legs straight ahead of him, and I sat facing him, mirroring his movements. “You surprised me. I’m impressed.”

I narrowed my eyes. “You didn’t think I could get to you?”

“No, it’s more that you could forget about who I was and focus on what you’ve learned.”

That made sense. I wouldn’t normally try to hurt any of them, but I knew how important this was for me. If I’d had this training a few months ago, would I have been able to prevent anything? Defended myself against Carter or my cousin, Davey?

“I’m proud of you.” He gave me one of his rare smiles that reached his eyes.

My breath caught in my throat. It had been so long since I’d seen one of those. Our time in the Bahamas? It couldn’t have been that long, but I couldn’t remember another. He shouldn’t go that long without genuinely smiling.

“Why are you staring at me?” He broke me from my thoughts.

“I was thinking about your smile. I haven’t seen that one in a while, and I think that’s something that needs to change.”

He let out a laugh. “I’ll work on that.”

“Me too.”

Our eyes locked, and the room felt suddenly ten degrees warmer. We were supposed to be cooling down, but heat washed over me.

His focus lowered to my mouth, and I sucked in a breath. It had been too long since he and I kissed more than a quick peck. I craved the feeling of his lips on mine.
