Page 58 of Fear is the Key

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Gavin’s reasoning made me feel much better.

“That doesn’t change the fact that you guys lied to us, went off on your own, broke into the Society’s headquarters, and what?” Vince waited. “All for what?”

I rolled my lip between my teeth. Luca finally answered. “For the files about Juliet.”

That seemed to take much of the fight out of the three. They shared a look, and Vince dropped onto the corner of the bed. “What did you find out?”

Gavin filled them in on the things we learned, and I sat up as he continued. I’d been so exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally that I fell asleep without waiting for what else they discovered.

“The last few files were corrupted. I think there was some sort of fail-safe in case they were ever accessed without permission, but we did find a record of every time she’s been to AS’s headquarters. It’s about once a week.”

My shoulders dropped in defeat. That was the final nail in the coffin. I couldn’t ignore it any longer. The proof that she was one of them was there.

“I’m so sorry, Ave.” Sky squeezed my foot over the covers.

I swallowed and tried to nod but froze with my head down, staring at nothing. This was really happening. She was one of them. There was still no way of knowing how much she knew about me and the guys, but I was determined to figure it out.

“For now, I don’t think it’s safe for you to be at home when she’s there,” Gavin told me quietly.

“Okay.” I managed to speak.

I needed to talk to my Dad. Alone. How was I going to break this to him? As much as it hurt me, it would destroy him.

I didn’t want this. Any of it. I wished again and again that this was all a bad dream. That someone was playing a sick, twisted joke on us.

“You’re not alone, Ave. We’re going to figure this out together,” Vince broke the silence.

“He’s right. We’re not going to give up until we have all the answers. We’ll be at your side the whole time.” Luca rubbed my back. “You’re not going through this alone.”

That was the only thing holding me together. They were here for me, and wouldn’t give up.

“I know this probably isn’t the best time to mention this, and keep in mind that I was pretty upset when it all happened––” Sky started before Luca cut him off.

“What did you do?”

“I told Gwyneth that we would meet up with her and CeeCee and the guys to introduce them to Ave.” He ducked his head as Gavin and Luca berated him.

I put a hand on each of their chests, and they fell silent. “I told you I wanted to meet them all. On my time.” I sighed. “I guess I’m ready.”

Vince glanced at me, looking mildly uncomfortable. Was it because he didn’t want me to meet them still or because he’d lied to Aaron and Sean already?

“When did you arrange for this meeting to happen?” Gavin asked.

Sky rocked back on his heels. “This afternoon.”

I let out a small laugh, and they all turned to me. “Of course. Why not? My day’s already been a hot mess. Let’s just add onto it.”

Sky cringed, but I just fell back onto the pillows. This was happening whether we wanted it to or not. It was long overdue, but because we had waited so long, it built up in my mind and was now this overwhelming, daunting monster.

“I guess I should go home and get ready.” I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to go home yet, but my collection of clothing at Luca’s consisted of a pair of leggings, a jacket, and two sweaters.

For some reason, I wanted to make a good impression on the other Society members. Well, as good as it could get after lying to half of them and getting caught committing a crime by the other. Only Tyson was a blank slate. Not very comforting at all.
