Page 53 of Seized By Magic

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“What do you mean?” Masie pushed.

“Why was only Saige targeted? Why not the entire bond?”

Huh. I stopped and leaned against the window ledge. Why just her?

“Do you know, or is that a legitimate question?” Masie asked.

Ms. Chronis’ brows lifted. “It is a real question.”

“Whoever did this knew she was bonding with all of us, so why not take us all out if this is about interspecies relationships or hybrids?” Kaden asked.

Niall’s head snapped up, looking directly at Mrs. Hedgings. “What are you going to do next?”

Her brows furrowed. “If we can’t solve this, then we need to send her to a specialized facility that can run more tests and figure out what curse was used.”

He nodded. “Exactly. You would have to send her away. Separate her from us.”

I shook my head. “So?”

“So, whoever did this is planning on that. They want Saige within the council’s control.”

Niall’s logic sounded like a conspiracy theory.

“Why?” Masie asked. The fact she wasn’t telling him he was insane and paranoid was concerning.

Niall shook his head. “I haven’t gotten that far yet.”

“If they wanted to hurt her or kill her, they could have done that at the ceremony,” Kaden added.

“Exactly.” Masie nodded. “They want her alive.”

Okay, this was getting out of control.

“Do you think they know?” Sai asked. “About who she really is?”

Now he was joining in? Were they all losing it?

“Maybe? Maybe it’s enough that she’s the only female with four bond mates in recent history. That’s more than enough to draw their attention. They might want to study her.” Niall’s hair was standing in every direction from his messing with it. He looked ridiculous, but now wasn’t the time to heckle him.

“But not us? That seems weird.” Sai slumped and stared at Saige.

“Speculating why isn’t necessary. We figured out their next move, and now that we know, we can prevent them from ever getting to her.” Kaden was the only one who looked hopeful.

“Not if it’s the only way to treat her,” Masie said.

“We can find a private facility,” I offered. “A place that isn’t affiliated with the council.”

“I’m not sure there is one. Not with the specialists she needs,” she countered.

She looked like she’d aged ten years since the time she entered the room. Saige would hate this. She would hate all of us worrying about her and, even worse, the arguing.

“I can ask my parents,” Kaden offered. “They’ve been able to avoid the council for this long. They have to know others who can help without the council’s knowledge.”

I heard the rushed thoughts of people approaching and looked around. There were too many of us in here. It would draw attention. I cast a concealment spell over myself, Niall, and Kaden.

I only had a second to warn them. “Be silent.”

“If we can find a safe place, I’ll take her.” Masie said, without acknowledging our disappearance.
