Page 69 of Seized By Magic

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Chapter 16

The moment I woke up, I knew something was wrong.

I wasn’t where I should be.

I didn’t have any clue where I was.

“Saige?” Masie’s voice was the only familiar thing.

I sat up and turned to her. She had tears in her eyes and behind her stood my grandparents.

Susan ran her eyes over me before covering her mouth and leaving. Robert stared at me a moment longer. I thought I saw an emotion flash in his blue eyes that matched my own, but it was too fast for it to be real. Not that he felt anything for me.

“We’re glad you’re well.” That was all he said before following his wife out of the room.

“Are we at their house?” I asked.

Masie nodded. “It was the best option I could come up with.”

“What happened?” I remembered feeling sick. Tired, then dizzy, then nauseated and waking up here.

“You were cursed.”

I scooted back to lean up against the pillows in the large, unfamiliar bed. “Cursed?”

“Yes, we believe someone did it during the ceremony.”

I shook my head. “But only our families were there. Why would any of them curse me?”

“We’re not sure yet. We’ve checked, and no one mentioned the location or details beforehand. We have a theory that the school’s communication is being monitored or tapped.”

This was too much like a conspiracy. Why would anyone want to do that? To me?

“You’ve been in a coma for nine days.”

My eyes snapped to hers. “Nine?”

She leaned forward and rested on her elbows against the bed. “Yes, it’s been quite stressful. The school healer and headmaster wanted to send you to a larger health facility, but the guys and I were worried about the council finding out about you and what you are. So I called my parents, and they agreed to bring you to their home and have a specialist treat you here.”

“So they figured out what the curse was?”

“No, but Niall and the guys found a spell to break it.”

The guys did it? How?

“When can I go back?”

Nine days were an eternity at school. I would be even further behind than when I first arrived. Plus, we just finalized the bond. I had so much to figure out, and I needed to be with the guys, to see them. And Hannah. My friends.

“I’d like for you to rest tonight. You can go back in the morning.”

“Can I please go back tonight?”

She hesitated, but at least she was considering it. “I’ll go get the healer. We’ll see what he says.”

I dropped my head back when she left. How had I gone from feeling like I had a cold to a coma? Who cursed me? More importantly, why?

Did someone know the truth? About who I was? What I was?
