Page 77 of Seized By Magic

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Chapter 18

Ifelt like I was impersonating someone.

Wearing clothes I hadn’t purchased was one thing. Disappearing from class and reappearing as if nothing happened was another.

The attention I expected never came. My classmates didn’t appear to care or notice.

Hannah was the only one to make a big deal about my return, and Theo reminded her to keep it down almost instantly.

“Sorry, I just missed her,” she whispered to him before tugging on my sleeve.

I hugged her, then walked into class.

History was easy enough to catch up on. Sai slid me his notes from the week I missed, and I copied them down before the class was over. Math was a similar situation. I’d been on track before the curse, so once I had time to review the missed chapter, I would be fine.

It was science with Ms. Sharrinton that I was dreading. I couldn’t do even the most basic magic as it was. Adding an extended absence was a major setback. When Niall and I got back to our tutoring sessions, we would have to focus on this.

She narrowed her eyes when I slid into my seat next to Theo. I could feel her desire to say something, but whatever Mrs. Hedgings had done to excuse me overruled her ability to give me a punishment from her famed tarot cards.

“Attention class. Today we will cover portaling objects.” She scanned the class, a predator searching for prey. “Ms. Williams, please come to the front.”

I didn’t react. I couldn’t show any signs of weakness. She might not be able to give me detention or take points off my grade, but she could humiliate me in front of the class.

She knew I struggled with the application of what we learned. I could pass any written test she gave, but actually demonstrate it? Nope.

“Just breathe,” Theo whispered as I passed him on the way to the large table in the center.

“Ms. Williams, I would like you to first show the class how to create a portal.”

She knew I couldn’t do that. I was barely able to move objects across my desk.

I refused to give her the satisfaction of not even trying. I wasn’t going to admit defeat so quickly.

Theo had his eyes locked on me and nodded. He believed in me, even though he had no reason to. I’d been in a coma for nine days, not hiding out studying.

I had to try. I ran through the steps in my head. Visualizing and focusing on my intent. A portal, a passageway. When I used them, it felt like stepping through a tunnel, infinitely long yet over in a blink. That sensation was the only thing I allowed myself to think about as I opened my palms and spread them wide enough to create a small portal.

When I opened my eyes, a blue swirl about six inches wide had formed before me.

I stopped myself from gasping. I didn’t want to give away my shock to Ms. Sharrinton.

She placed a glass beaker on the table in front of me. “Very well. Now send this to your desk.”

My eyes darted to the space in front of my seat. That should be easy enough. At least it was a place I was familiar with. She could have had me send it to her office or the men’s bathroom on the floor below.

I could pick up the beaker and push it through, but I had a feeling that wasn’t what she was looking for. “Motus.”

To my continued shock, the beaker slid along the smooth surface, through the portal, and landed a few inches above my desk. Theo caught it and placed it down carefully.

I held my breath as Ms. Sharrinton walked in front of the table, her eyes never leaving me. She was standing directly behind me when she stopped. “Are you waiting for some sort of reward? You may return to your seat.”

As much as I wanted to tell her she was being unnecessarily rude, I didn’t want to poke the bear, so I hurried back to the safety of Theo’s side.

He squeezed my thigh. “That was amazing. I’ve never seen you master anything that quickly.”

I let out my breath for what felt like the first time since she first called my name. “I had no idea I would be able to. I just knew I had to try.”

He leaned over, gently pressing his arm against mine. “I’m proud of you.”
