Page 21 of Severed By Magic

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I glanced back at the guys, wondering if they recognized his name.

“Does he play rugby?” Theo asked.

She shook her head. “No, he prefers to spend as much of his time as possible with his nose in a book.”

We all looked to Niall, who shrugged. “I don’t recognize his name either.”

“He’s rather shy. I doubt you would have crossed paths with him.” Tawnya turned her attention back to me. “If you need anything at all, please let us know. We want you all to feel at home here.”

Really? Her husband didn’t seem to agree. Then again, that was a common nicety most people said without expecting others to take them up on it.


“We won’t hold you up. Go on and have fun.” Gloria put her hands on my shoulders and air kissed my cheeks.

It was a sweet but completely foreign gesture. I needed more time to adjust to having so many family members around. Especially if they truly wanted to get to know me, maybe I could get to know my dad through them too.


Nancy didn’t meet my eyes as she clasped the iron cuff around my left wrist.

“It’s so unfair,” Saige muttered.

“It’s fine. I understand.”

That didn’t mean I liked it. I controlled my shifter side—never going rogue or giving in to any primal desires. I wasn’t a threat to the wolves, but they didn’t know that. There was no way to prove it without them trusting me. That would take time—hopefully, not too much. The longest I’d gone without shifting was three weeks, and it had been really uncomfortable. Hopefully, Rainer would keep his word and supervise twice a month.

“You all have your schedules. If you have questions, ask me or your team manager.” Nancy stepped back and turned without waiting to see if we had any for her now.

“I guess we’ll see each other later?” Kaden folded his papers and shoved them in his back pocket.

“Yup.” Niall lifted one hand in a half wave before following Nancy down the hall.

“Do you know where to go?” Saige asked us.

I shook my head, reading over the schedule. It just said I’d be working with Rodney Stewart, one of Saige’s uncles.

“I’m assuming the clinic won’t be too hard to find. Maybe there are signs outside?” Theo offered.

None of us had any better ideas, so we left the Alpha’s cabin for the first time since arriving.

“Ugh,” Saige grimaced and wrapped her arms around herself. “I forgot how cold it was.”

“Let's just go back to bed,” Theo teased while rubbing his hands over her arms to warm her over her jacket.

“I wish,” Kaden grumbled.

“Sai!” We all turned to see Rodney jogging toward us in jeans and a black jacket that didn’t look nearly warm enough. As shifters, we generally stayed warm without many layers, but it would take a few days for my body to adjust. “I was just coming to show you where we meet.”

“Thanks.” I waved to the others. “Can you help them too?”

Rodney smiled, taking an extra second to greet Saige before putting his hands on his hips. “Sure, where do you guys need to go?”

“I’m working with Steven,” Kaden spoke first.

“You can head over with me and Sai. Our first project is near their site.”

Kaden nodded, and Theo lifted his paper, reading over the assignment. “I’m in the clinic with Carol.”
