Page 30 of Severed By Magic

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“Did you have any weird dreams last night?”

It wasn't unusual for me to have some sort of nightmare, but I didn’t remember having one last night, or at least not a premonition.

“How could you not remember?” Sai asked with a halfhearted laugh.

“You woke up in your shifted form,” Kaden explained. “You must have been pretty confused because you didn't recognize us and you tried to attack. Theo had to get a doctor to bring a potion to make you shift to your human form.”

They had to be joking. How could all that happen without my remembering?

“I don't understand.”

“It’s never happened to me,” Sai admitted.

Kaden frowned. “Me either.”

Great. So another thing that made me a freak.

“It was like you weren't really inside. You were full wolf. I tried to talk to you, to communicate, but that only set you off. I've never seen a shifter react like that.”

“It's a good thing we’re here and not the Academy,” Kaden said. “This is the best place to get answers. And if anyone's had experience with it, I'm sure they have. They probably have an explanation. You should meet with your grandpa or your uncles and see if they can help.”

I was surprised he was so quick to recommend going to them. I wasn't sure any of us completely trusted them, but he had a point. If anyone had answers, it would be the Alpha or his family.

“Do you feel well enough to shower and get ready?” Niall asked.

I sat up, assessing my limbs. Everything was fine except my head, but the pain had started to dull as the doctor predicted.

“I think so. I'll stay with you, and we can go down when you're ready. The rest of you should go to work.” Niall’s words came out more like a command than a suggestion.

To my surprise, none of the guys argued. Kaden and Sai were ready to go, and each gave me a quick kiss before heading out. Theo went into the bathroom to change. When he returned, he brushed my hair back and smiled.

“No more scaring us like that, okay?”

I tried to smile back, but none of us could trust it wouldn’t happen again.

“I'll see you later.”


Once he was gone, Niall helped me into the bathroom as if he didn't believe I was okay.

“I’ve got it, really.”

I didn't feel well enough to run or anything, but I could walk on my own and would be able to stand in the shower without help.

He looked me over before dropping my arm and stepping away. “I’ll get some clothes for you.”


He disappeared into the closet, and I started to undress but stopped. Why was I wearing one of the guys' shirts?

“Where are my pajamas?” I called.

Niall’s head came around the doorframe. “You shredded those when you shifted in your sleep. We threw that on you once you shifted back and put you in bed.”

Involuntary shifting might be the quickest way for me to get used to being naked in front of my mates and fellow shifters, but it wasn’t my top pick. That would take more than a few days for me to get used to.

After I finished showering and got dressed, he came back into the bathroom.
