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Hank was in the front row next to the McBride seniors. The look on his face made Ryan’s chest feel warm.

“True love,” Cubby said. “They’ve been married at least fifty years, and he still thinks the sun rises and sets with Mrs. C.”

“Marriage goals,” Annabelle said.

“Mrs. C, you’re a goddess!” Jed roared.

Philly carried an oboe, and Martha a violin.

“I was sure it would be an ABBA song with those outfits,” Cubby said.

But what they played was a flawless classical instrumental. Taking away the fact they looked like aged rockers, Ryan had to say he was impressed. Each note was perfect, and clearly, they knew their stuff.

“Did you know they played those instruments?”

Cubby and Annabelle shook their heads.

You couldn’t hear a pin drop as the performance ended; even Jed seemed struck silent.

Applause then erupted, even from the other contestants. Hank got to his feet and clapped. Mrs. C blew him a kiss.

“This town.” Ryan shook his head. “Full of surprises.”

“Will you and Shay perform for us, Ryan?” Annabelle whispered. “Just one song, please.”

“That slow one, the one that makes Katie cry every time she hears it,” Cubby said, looking at his girl, who had crept in as the performances had begun and was leaning on the wall beside Newman.

“I thought you guys didn’t know anything about my music?”

“You’re one of us, bud. Of course we know it. We just don’t like to let you know we know it.”

Ryan caught Shay’s eye, then turned to look at the stage. His friend nodded, then disappeared.

“Ryan and Shay are going to perform for us now while we deliberate,” Annabelle called out before he could agree.

“I’m a judge. Shouldn’t I be deliberating too?”

“We’ll let you know what we decide.” Cubby nudged him.

Ryan got to his feet as Shay appeared onstage with two guitars, but he didn’t join him straight away, instead dropping down before Mikey, who sat with Jake and Branna.

“You want to sing with me, bud?”


“Sure. You know my songs, and this is the slow one, ‘Love Hurts.’”

“You got this,” Jake said quietly. “But it’s up to you.”

“I want to do it.”

Ryan headed up onstage and took the guitar Shay handed him. Mikey stood at the other mic, looking ready to puke.

“You all ready? Mikey’s going to sing with me, and Shay will play guitar.”

The audience roared their approval. Ryan looked for Faith but couldn’t find her. At least now he may be able to concentrate.

Chapter 21
