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Faith heard the guitars and knew it for the beginning of one of Ryan’s songs.

“White wine, please,” a woman said, approaching the bar.

Faith poured the drink, then handed it over with the smile she always gave customers.

“Nice tattoo,” she said, acknowledging the small guitar on the inside of the woman’s wrist. She couldn’t make out the writing beneath it from where she stood.

“I play.” The woman went a bit pink in the cheeks as she pulled down the sleeve of her shirt. “I’m not great, but I’m getting better.”

“Well, you’re one better than me. I am clueless about the guitar.”

“This is a really nice place.”


She was pretty, with dark hair and blue eyes. Clearly a tourist, as Faith didn’t recognize her.

“Sounds like the music is starting up again. You better head back,” Faith said.

“I will, thanks,” the girl said.

Faith then followed her to the room where Ryan was about to play. The bar was empty at the moment, but she could keep an eye on it from the doorway.

“This song is for my nephew,” Ryan said. He then looked at Mikey, who had lost all the color in his face. The boy managed to nod.

Hope sniffed loudly from her seat beside Newman, who was still pushing the buggy back and forth.

From the first note, Ryan held everyone in the palm of his hand. Mikey was good too, but Ryan was just another level of amazing. This was where he was meant to be. A natural performer. Seeing him sent tingles down her spine. Shay, too, was amazing. He backed up with vocals.

Faith just let the music flow over her as she watched Ryan. His eyes caught hers, and she couldn’t look away. That kiss over the bar earlier had been something a couple might do. It had felt right and so good.

She couldn’t give her heart to this man again.Too late,the voice inside her head said.

“I’ve never seen that particular look in your eyes before,” Noah said as he moved to her side.

“What look?”

“The ‘that guy rocks my world’ look.”

“He’s an impressive man who is a rock star and leaving soon. Let’s leave it there, shall we?”

“I’m here” was all he said. His arm dropped round her shoulders, and together they watched the man who had turned her world upside down again perform.

“How good is Mikey though?”

“Really good,” Faith agreed.

They went on to play two more songs. He, Shay, and Mikey then bowed together to applause. Ryan then returned to his seat to confer with the judges.

“And here they are,” Noah said as “the boys” walked in, now back in their everyday clothes. “You kept that quiet.”

“Can’t be predictable all the time,” Buster growled.

“And you lost the chicken and cheesy pie contest, so don’t try bullshitting me. Jake let the story out of the bag. I’m just pleased I wasn’t there that day,” Noah said.

“It won’t be happening again,” Buster added.

“You boys get roped in when you stepped into town?” Faith asked the Ryker boys.

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