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Lake Howling could offer a lot, including trail walks and water sports. Plus, the Texans could fly people in and on sightseeing trips. It was a win for everyone.

She could hear the hum of voices and clink of cutlery as she passed the kitchens, and then she was heading out the back door. She stepped one foot outside, then froze.

Two people were embracing. The man had his back to her, but she saw a pair of arms around his neck.

The door behind her made a banging sound as the wind caught it. The man turned, and it was Mac from the general store. The woman stayed hidden. Faith had never seen him with a woman before. His wife had died before Faith and Noah were born.

“Sorry!” Faith raised a hand. “Just leaving for my morning run.” Before Mac could speak, she’d jammed her earbuds in and taken off down the small lane behind the shops.

Mac had a woman. Faith couldn’t get her head around that, but she was pleased he’d found someone. Really pleased. The man was a favorite of hers.

Who was it?

Pushing the conundrum of Mac aside until later when she could ask Noah and Lucy who they thought it was, she ran.

Heading out on the lake road, Faith was soon in the zone, putting every thought out of her head. Sweat ran down her back, and she felt the burn of her muscles. Cutting into the trails, she ran through the redwoods and increased the pace. When she came back out onto the road, she made for the lake.

Faith always swam after or during a run. The water would be cold but would feel good once she got moving. Soon her morning swims would stop because of the weather, so she was determined to make the most of it.

Finding the bushes that hung over the lake, she stripped off all her clothes. Diving in, she swam until her body adjusted to the temperature. Swimming naked had been something she’d always loved. The feel of water gliding over her skin and the freedom to be out here alone with no barriers between her and nature.

Stopping, she trod water and looked around her. She’d missed home when Noah had insisted she go away on that business course.

Her time in Idaho had been both good and bad for her, but definitely ripped the rose-tinted glasses from her eyes. Faith had always thought the world a nice, safe place. She knew bad stuff happened, just not to her. She’d soon learned different.

Turning, she swam slowly back to shore. The sound of singing had her stopping. Horrified, she watched a kayak appear.

Hell.Diving under the water, she headed for the bank, hoping her breath would last and she could reach the trees hanging over the bank before the kayak.

Surfacing, she looked around her.


Her screech sent Faith under; she came up spluttering.

“You all good there?”

Spinning, she found Ryan grinning down at her.

“You frightened the life out of me… again!”

“Sorry.” He was still smiling. “And in my defense, I didn’t know you were naked in Hope’s bath, or that you’d be out here swimming when I decided to take a paddle.”

“Whatever.” She began making her way toward the bank, but it wasn’t easy, as she had to keep her body submerged.

“Need a hand?”

“No. Thank you,” she tacked on. Faith had given herself a serious talking-to last night. She had to play things cool with Ryan from now on. Just be like the others when he was around. She couldn’t act irrational and angry, or he’d think she was still carrying a grudge about him leaving the way he had.

“What kind of stroke is that?”

“What?” He was keeping pace with her in his boat.

“You’re making hard work of getting back to the bank. I wondered why you didn’t just swim.”

She looked at him, and the wicked look in his eye told her he knew she was naked.

“Having fun?”
