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“Parts of it are cool.”

They talked, and it surprised Ryan how easy it felt.

“You looking after your money, Ryan?” Ethan’s eyes were serious. “That’s a personal question, I know, but you hear stuff. There’s plenty of scammers in the entertainment industry.”

Strange how no one had asked him that before either. It felt kind of nice the Texan gave a damn.

He’d had quite a few firsts already since returning to Howling.

“Talon has a manager, but I handle my own finances.”

“If you need any advice, then Newman is your man. He’s good with that kind of thing. Both Brad and I get financial assistance from him.”

“I met Brad briefly. Nice guy.”

The Texan laughed. “But different from me?”

“Something like that.”

“Long story, but the short version is our dad was an asshole and we both suffered in different ways.”

“Sorry.” Ryan took another mouthful of his coffee. He didn’t want to get into parents with anyone, especially not his own.

“Don’t be. We’re all good now. Cool about your dad though,” Ethan said.

“In what way?” Ryan tried not to stiffen. He hated his father.

The Texan’s eyes narrowed.

Before he could question him further, they watched two cars pull up the driveway.

“Now what the hell could they want?” Ethan asked.


“The book club.”

Ryan watched women get out of the cars. Sensing trouble, Syd hopped off him and scurried into the cabin. He recognized Branna McBride, Lizzie Heath, HRH, and another woman he didn’t know who he guessed was Ellen Todd, Declan O’Donnell’s friend. Dr. McBride was last.

“That woman never ages,” Ethan said, getting to his feet. “McBride genes are strong, according to my wife.”

“Ladies.” Ryan nodded as they approached. For some reason he didn’t think this was a courtesy call, seeing as his mother wasn’t with them. Although they did hold baked goods.

“Hello, Ryan, Tex,” Branna said. “We come in peace.”

“I could leave, if this is serious, Bran. But that’s lemon meringue pie you’re holding there, Lizzie, and you know it’s my favorite.”

“Ethan, all food is your favorite.” Lizzie swatted him on the arm.

“Never a truer word spoken,” Dr. McBride said, planting a loud kiss on the Texan’s cheek. “And you can stay if you want. It’s not like it’s any surprise why we’re here.”

“I’m surprised,” Ryan felt the need to say.

“We come in peace,” Branna repeated.

“Is this about judging the talent show? Because I already said I would if I’m still in town—which is unlikely, I need to point out,” Ryan said.

“We made you a lemon meringue pie, chocolate and peanut butter cookies, plus there’s chicken and dumplings for your meal tonight,” Lizzie said, patting his hand. “And it’s not about the talent show.”
