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“Is this a new thing, welcoming home Howlers that have been AWOL for a while? Or do you want me to bury a body, considering the provisions you’re carrying?” Ryan asked, opening the door to the cabin and waving the women inside. He wondered how much money they wanted him to donate or give. Or were they going ask him to perform? He didn’t mind, really. That was what he did for a living, and this place was his home, and most of the people in it had done a lot for him and Hope growing up.

“I’m Ellen Todd, Ryan.” The woman juggled the plate of cookies in her hand and held out her fingers. He shook them.

“Pleased to meet you, Ms. Todd.”

“Just Ellen,” she said, entering.

“Relax, bud, they look intimidating, but I’m here to watch over you,” Ethan said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Of course, HRH is here….” He let those words fall away.

“Yeah, thanks,” Ryan muttered, mourning the peace he’d had, if only briefly.

He followed, watching as they placed the goods on his counter and then settled in various seats, like hens roosting. Ethan went straight to the kitchen and began lifting lids and unwrapping plates

“I like my tea white with one,” HRH snapped at him.


Henrietta Roberts Haigh had terrorized the students at school by stomping up and down the corridors demanding they pull up their socks. She wasn’t on the board or even a teacher, but she was the head of the Lake Howling book club, which pretty much ran the town. There weren’t many who weren’t intimidated by her.

“Tea, boy. White with one,” she barked.

Ethan started placing cups in saucers loudly with Branna.

“I have to make her tea?” Ryan whispered when he joined them.

“It’s a test,” Branna hissed. “Tea’s important to Henrietta. She says it is a great indicator to a person’s personality.”

“I’ve played in front of thousands, but suddenly I’m terrified.”

“Strong, a little milk, and one sugar,” Branna whispered out the side of her mouth.

They made tea, and he handed HRH hers after staring at it for a few seconds to check its color. He held his breath as she sipped it.

What the hell am I doing? What does it matter if she likes it or not?

“That will do. Thank you.” HRH nodded.

“Satan’s spawn!” Syd shrieked from the bedroom.

“Sorry. He’s not mine,” Ryan said quickly, battling the need to laugh.

“I know all about Syd.” HRH sniffed out her displeasure. “His vocabulary is colorful.”

“He was taught to speak by a pirate, Annabelle says.”

HRH shot Ethan a look that had him raising a hand, Ryan wasn’t sure why, but he reckoned it was an apology for interrupting.

Branna gave him the thumbs-up from the kitchen for the tea approval. Ethan was stuffing his mouth with lemon meringue pie, so he just nodded.

“Sit!” HRH demanded when everyone had a cup and a plate of food.

Ethan handed Ryan his loaded with lemon meringue pie and then moved back to the kitchen, where he proceeded to continue eating from the containers on the counter.

“Millicent is a friend,” she continued in that way that reminded him of a drill sergeant. “But she’s being stubborn about the new building. It will be used for functions, festivals, concerts, and things, and we want to start with its erection.”

Ryan shot Tex a look; he was trying not to laugh.

“I see.” Which he didn’t at all. “Do you need funds for the building?” he said, hoping this would stop the conversation in its tracks and they’d all leave.

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