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Lucy had invested in The Howler with an inheritance from her family. She had money and wanted to be involved in Noah’s life, so this was important to her. Consequently, not only were they expanding upstairs, they were upgrading down here and redoing the layout. But that would happen over the winter months when it was quiet.

“So, how’s the house going?” Faith said, pouring a beer.

“Amazing! The painters start tomorrow.”

They were building a place of their own on a piece of land around the lake. A home, because while this had been that for the Harris twins for years, it was not enough for the family she knew her brother and Lucy wanted.

She and Noah had been raised here and often hated it. Hated that they constantly had to work and their parents were always busy. She didn’t want that for any future nieces or nephews.

Faith felt that pang of sadness she always felt knowing Noah would no longer be just a few feet away if she needed him. She was happy for him and Lucy, but the change would be a big one and take time to adjust to.

“We have quite a few signed up for the talent show now,” Lucy said.

“Mrs. C and her group are called the Frosted Tips.” Faith could only imagine how outrageous her costume would be.

“Seriously?” Noah said.

“Apparently it’s a nod to her baking days,” Lucy added.

“Have you heard her sing?” Faith asked.

“Only in the Cakery, and it wasn’t pleasant. Apparently, she told Buster she’s playing the spoons,” Noah said.

“Can’t wait.”

“Hey, bud. How’s it hanging?”

Faith looked at the man her brother greeted and tried not to stiffen. He wore his cap pulled low and dark glasses.

“You look more conspicuous in those, not less,” she said.

“He’s famous; give him a break. It’s part of the deal. They like to think everyone wants at them, but in fact no one does,” Noah said. “Although if you don’t remove that offensive cap, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

“Ha ha.” Ryan took off his glasses. “Until you’ve had a woman hurl her body at you and wrap her arms and legs around you like a limpet, you have no clue what it’s like.”

“It doesn’t sound all bad,” Noah said. Lucy glared at him.

Ryan pulled up a barstool and sat.

“What else you got?” Buster ambled up beside him and sat.

“A naked staff member in a hotel we were staying finding her way into my bed?”

Buster made pfft sound. “So what? The lead singer busy or something, because there’s no getting around the fact he’s way cooler than you.”

Ryan nodded. “He is, and he likes people.”

Buster grunted, because sounds were also words to communicate with.

“A fan came up to me after a concert once and took off her shirt. She had a picture of me tattooed on her breast.”

“That’s true adoration right there,” Buster said. “But kinda creepy.”

“I could go on, but I don’t want to bore you.”

“Has there been some really bad shit too?” Noah asked.

Faith continued making up drink orders and pretending not to listen.
