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“Calling you hot to another guy when you’re standing right there is insulting,” Ryan said. “Plus, there was that comment about having some fun with you later.”

“No way. Did he actually say that?” Buster backed him up. “Who even speaks that way? If you were in college, I may understand, not that it’s acceptable even then, but at least you’d have been showing off and your age would have been a factor. But what are you, like fifty?”

“Shut up, country boy. Faith and I have history. She knows what I mean, don’t you, baby?” Blair smirked at her, clearly unaware of his impending doom.

“Blair, you’re an idiot. Walk away now while you can,” Faith said.

“Come on, baby. Tell them we had fun.”

Faith had a temper, but over the years she’d learned to control it. Age and her brother telling her to rein it in so many times had taught her to do just that. But hearing this guy who thought it was okay to drug someone so he could violate them call her “baby” was just a step too far for her control. She was in front of him before Ryan or Buster could move.

“What you did to me and others was a criminal offence, but the women you hurt were too scared to speak out. I’m not that scared girl anymore.” She glared at him.

“What did he do to you?”

She felt Ryan at her side. Faith ignored him. “Don’t ever call me baby again.” Drawing back her fist, she let fly.

Possibly not the behavior she should have been displaying, considering she was standing in her bar, but he’d pushed her buttons again. Clearly he’d not learned anything from the last time she’d sat him on his ass. His head snapped sideways, and he staggered back several steps before falling onto his ass.

“Nice work,” she heard Ryan say.

“That’s two broken noses I’ve given you. I suggest you don’t come near me again or I’ll make it three. Get out of my hotel, and never come back,” she snarled down at Blair. Faith then walked away, needing a drink and an ice pack for her throbbing fist.

Chapter 9

Ryan bent over the man Faith had decked. Grabbing his shirtfront, he hauled him to his feet, jerking him close enough so their faces were inches apart. “I don’t know what you did to her, but clearly it wasn’t good.”

“Sh-She’s lying.”

“I want to hurt you right now, but I also know that we’re in a hotel bar, and this is not the place. Plus, there’s the fact that Faith has already dealt with you,” Ryan said. “So, here’s my advice instead. Leave town now, or her brother and friends will come calling, asshole, and it won’t be a social visit.”

Blair’s nose was swelling, and he looked ready to explode. Red-faced, he shook himself free. “You don’t get to speak to me like that! I’m laying a complaint against that bitch!”

Ryan swung his fist and connected hard, dropping Blair again.

“Nice,” Buster said from beside him. He then handed a wad of serviettes to Blair’s friends. “We’ll be sending you the cleaning bill if there’s blood on the carpets.”

“Now you and your buddies get the hell out this town,” Ryan snarled.

“What’s going on?”

“Under control, Noah,” he heard Buster say.

Ryan hauled in a deep, steadying breath and tried to shake off the red haze of rage. He watched the two friends lift Blair to his feet and then took a step closer until his face was inches from his. “I’m telling you that wherever Faith is, you aren’t. Got that?” Ryan glared at Blair.

“You’re not a fudge maker. You’re Ryan Lawrence,” one of Blair’s friends said.

Buster nudged Ryan back and then stepped in front of him as the man pulled out his cellphone.

“You take that picture, and I’m taking your phone.”

“He’s used to pictures,” the guy said, unworried considering Ryan had bloodied his friend’s nose.

“He’s used to some respect and privacy, so back off.” Buster didn’t raise his voice, but the guy’s eyes widened. “Now,” Buster added, and the men left.

“Someone start talking,” Noah demanded.

“You and I are making those men leave here now,” Buster said to Noah.
