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“And then I want answers,” Noah said in a hard voice.

Ryan walked away before more people wanted to know what was going on.

“You seen Faith, Mikey?” he said when he saw the boy in the reception area.

“She went upstairs, Ryan.”

He headed up. He’d been here before and knew where the family lived. Making his way there, he tapped on a door, but got no answer, so he moved to the next.

“Be right there.” A voice came through the door.

He opened it and walked inside.

“Get out of my room!” She was sitting on the bed, glaring at him as he approached.

“Hey, you.”

“Go back down, Ryan. I’ll be there soon.”

She wore a tight black skirt that stopped a few inches above her knees. It did really nice things to her ass. Tucked into the waistband was a white, long-sleeved, button-front shirt. Her short hair was pulled on top of her head in a messy bun. On her feet were black glossy flats.

She looked sexy as hell any time, but this business look was something special. He wanted to undo all those buttons marching down the front of her shirt and run his hands over her body.

It was fair to say Faith was messing with his usual don’t-touch policy. He’d enforced this when Talon had become a big deal. Some women tended to see a night in bed with him as a conquest.

“All good. One of your staff is behind the bar. Take all the time you need.”

Her sigh was small. “I hate when past mistakes come calling.” She sighed again.

“Mind you, after that right hook, I think he may just walk on by if he sees you again.”

Her laugh was soft.

“How’s the wrist?”

“Sore, but worth it, and it was a way better punch than the last one I gave him.” She talked to the wall, not him.

“Am I next?”

“No, you’re safe for now.”

“Pretty relieved about that. What did he do to you, Faith?”

“I don’t really want to talk about it.”

He dropped down before her so their eyes were level. “It might help.”

“I don’t think so.”

He touched her chin, turning it so their eyes met. He saw the hurt then. His chest burned to know someone had caused her pain.You did that once.“What did he do to you?”

“I was a young, naive girl when I met him. An easy target. I’m not going to say any more.”



“You’re a slob.”
