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Lindy Sowter was on reception. The waiting room was occupied by Ryan, his father, and his mother. The silence was so tense, she almost felt it choking her.

“Is that the bag for Hope?” Lindy asked.


“I heard you sang with the band tonight and that you were really good, Faith. I need you to do that again for me one day.”

“Thanks, but I’m not sure there will be a repeat performance.” She felt the flush of pleasure at Lindy’s words.

“Shame. From what I hear, there should be. Plus Ryan.” She sighed, looking to the waiting room. “I’m bummed I missed him too.”

“He was really good,” Faith admitted.

“Okay, well, you go on in and take the bag through to Hope.”

“Oh, but—”

“Nothing happening yet, and possibly won’t be for some time,” she said, waving Faith away.

Shooting another look to the waiting room, she found Ryan looking at his hands and everyone else sitting in stony silence. Heading through the doors, she knocked on the one Lindy had indicated.

Annabelle opened it.

“Here’s Hope’s bag.”

“Thanks. Nice singing.” She closed the door.

Faith looked at the wood and wondered what to do now. She almost didn’t want to walk back out through reception and the waiting area.

Stop being a coward.

Besides, whatever was going on out there was not her deal; it was Ryan’s, and he wasn’t her concern.But he’s your friend.

Walking back through the doors, she smiled at Lindy, then made the mistake of looking at Ryan again. He looked defeated with his head lowered and shoulders slumped.

She nodded to Millicent and her ex-husband. They gave her tight smiles. Faith moved to Ryan. “Hey.”

He looked up, and she saw the misery in his eyes. “Hey.”

“Need some company?”

His eyes went to his mother, who was sitting a small distance from him, and then beyond her to his father. “I’m not sure I’d be good company about now.”

“I could sit here, and you could tell me again how good I was up there onstage.”

His smile was small. “I can, can I?”

“It’s only fair. I mean, you get that constantly, and this is my first time at singing in front of a crowd, so you need to reassure me.”

“Well, you better sit then, and I’ll start on inflating your ego.”

“Reassuring. Please note the difference.”

She sat beside him.


He tensed as his father stood and came to stand before them, his eyes on his son.
