Page 100 of Somebody to Love

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He shot her another look. Tiredness was etched in her pale face, but she was here, and at least he could watch over her. Now wasn’t the time or place for this conversation, he knew that. They needed to focus, but at least they each understood where the other was coming from right now.

“We’re nearing the falls, Bailey. You don’t leave my sight, not even for a second.”

“I understood that the first and second time you told me, Joe.”

Her voice was calm, and he wasn’t sure how she managed that when inside he was a seething mass of emotions.

“Fine, then make sure you do as I say, and everything will go all right.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Did you just salute me?”

She threw him a cheeky smile that had him shaking his head. “You’re gonna pay for that later.”


One word, nothing erotic in it, or the way she said it. She didn’t lick her lips or send him a sizzling look, and yet he was aroused in seconds.Not a good move, he thought, and made himself imagine a pile of steaming horse shit. That cooled him down some.

“Buzz, go on.” He urged the dog ahead. Joe then nudged his mount off the path, and headed left to the trail that would take them down to the falls.

“It’s steep. Lean back, and let Sandy do the work, Bailey, she knows the way.”

“Will do.”

He went first, having been down here many times before. It never failed to catch his breath. The sheer beauty of what was below them was amazing.


He managed a half smile at the awe in her voice. The falls were getting louder as they descended, and worry gnawed in his gut. Worry for Elijah, and the heavy weight he felt that something bad had happened to the man. Worry that someone wanted one of his people hurt... or all of them.

They reached the bottom seconds later, where huge jets of water shot out from the mountain and into the blue pool below. Surrounded by hills on all sides, this was the only way in.

“It’s amazing. I only came here a few times when I was young, and I’d forgotten how wonderful it is.”

It was, Joe thought. Even after seeing it constantly for most of his life.

“Hold up there for a second, Bailey, I want to check that cave.” She nodded as he pointed to an opening in the mountain. “Elijah could be hurt and in there waiting for help. I’ll check under the waterfall after. You stretch your legs, and take a drink.”


He caught her as she swung her leg over the saddle, and lowered her down.


“She’s a big horse, I didn’t want you to fall,” Joe said, releasing her when what he wanted was to sink his hands into her hair and kiss her senseless, find all that passion and togetherness he’d felt this morning. But now wasn’t the time for that; now was about finding Elijah. “I’ll be back soon. Just drop Sandy’s reins, she won’t go anywhere.”


It was more an opening than a cave. Shallow, but offering protection for anyone caught in the rain up here, or needing shelter. He and Buzz found no sign of Elijah.Where the hell is he?Elijah was a local, and one of the friendly ones. They needed to find him and bring him home to his family.


He heard Bailey’s scream, and started running. She wasn’t where he’d left her, but in the water, swimming toward the waterfall.

“Bailey!” He roared for her to stop. She’d be drowned by the weight of the water. But she didn’t stop, she kept swimming until he lost sight of her as she dived under the water.

Stripping off his boots and jeans, Joe threw off his hat beside Bailey’s clothes. “Stay, Buzz!” Seconds later, he was in the water. Adrenaline had him at the falls in minutes; he dived under and came up the other side.
