Page 107 of Somebody to Love

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“I stayed here for a while, until my place was built. And I used to imagine you here. Where was your piano?”

She lifted a hand to the right. The room was now a small study off the main living area. “That was the music room when I lived here.”

“Okay, I hadn’t figured that. I thought you’d be in the living area.”

“My mother didn’t want sheet music all over the place.”

Bitch.Joe kept that thought to himself, but he’d come to the conclusion long ago that Mrs. Jones wouldn’t win any awards for child-rearing, just like his parents hadn’t.

“So I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. Want some food?”

Her stomach rumbled again.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

The family was gathered in Joe’s favorite room. The hub of the house, Aunt Jess called it. A big, open-plan kitchen and dining area, with tiled floors, a huge wood burner on one wall, and a long, solid dining table. The kitchen had a big cooking range, and spacious benchtops with plenty of cupboards and every appliance Aunt Jess wanted. An island separated the kitchen from the dining area. His family was all lounging in seats while Aunt Jess threw together food. She didn’t like anyone else in the kitchen while she was.

“Something smells good,” Joe said, walking in with Bailey. “Aunt Jess, this is Bailey Jones. Her family owned this house many years ago.”

“Well, aren’t you a pretty thing.”

Her fingers eased their grip on his as his aunt smiled, and then Bailey was gathered into the arms that had held Joe and his siblings many times, over many years.

She accepted the hug, but wasn’t exactly relaxed, and then Joe nudged her to the seat beside Luke. He took the one on her other side.

“I heard about how you saved my Jack, and put out that fire in the stable,” Aunt Jess said.

“Oh well—”

“Now you take the praise I’m handing you, sweetie, because anyone who looks out for my kids deserves it.”

Aunt Jess had always been someone who spoke her mind.

“You must be exhausted, Bailey, after the day you’ve had. First the fire, and then that horrible business with Elijah.”

“I’m okay.”

“You want a coffee?” Piper offered.

“Yes, please,” she said.

They talked about Aunt Jess’s trip, then moved on to what had been happening while she was away.

“And you think your father is responsible for everything?”

“We can’t say for certain, but he did ask me for money, and then make those threats,” Joe said. “I know this is upsetting for you, Aunt Jess.”

“He’s my brother, and yes, it’s never easy to realize your blood is bad, but I reconciled myself with that long ago.”

“I’m sorry you had to.” Bailey surprised Joe by speaking. “You should be able to rely on your family.”

Sliding his hand under her hair, Joe stroked the soft skin of her neck. She shivered, but didn’t pull away.

“You should, but it’s not always the case,” his aunt said, looking at her. “Friends step in then. They’re just as good if you don’t have family. Of course, I have this lot, so I have plenty of support.”

Bailey nodded. “Yes, friends are important.”

“Chief Blake is looking for him, our father,” Jack said.
