Page 108 of Somebody to Love

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“He is, but we need to be diligent also.”

“You don’t think he’s involved in Elijah’s murder, do you, Joe?” Piper asked.

“I don’t know why he would be, or what the connection could be there, but we can’t rule it out, to my way of thinking.”

They discussed that in detail, as was their way. They gnawed on a subject until everyone was happy before moving on. Beside him, Bailey sat silently listening. She didn’t add anything else to the conversation, but he knew she was taking it all in.

“You doing okay?” He stroked a finger under the collar of her shirt... which was actually his shirt.

“Yes, thank you.”

“And there’s my polite Miss Jones again.”

She turned, her face now close to his.

“I’m trying to work out why your father would want to harm you. I understand that he’s angry you didn’t give him money, but to want you hurt or worse... would he really do that to his own children?”

“You know what he’s about, Bailey. You remember,” Joe said.

She nodded. “I remember him hurting you, and wanting to hurt him back because of it, but to kill? That’s different again, don’t you think?”

Joe shrugged. “He’s an asshole. My take is he’s just moved that up another notch, and has no regard for anyone or anything.”

“You need to be careful, Joe.”

He leaned in and kissed her. Around him, his family talked, but he knew they were taking it in.

“You worried about me, sweetheart?”

Her cheeks went pink, but she stood her ground.

“Of course, and me too, as I seem to be caught up in it.”

He thought about the fire that seemed so long ago, and how he could have lost her.

“Yeah, you need to take care too, because I won’t let anything happen to you... ever.”

“You can’t protect me, Joe.”

“Yes—” He kissed her again. “—I can.”

“Evening, all.” Mr. Goldhirsh walked in, and Joe dragged his eyes from Bailey’s. The man had been coming and going from the house for years. This time he had a large bunch of colorful flowers in one hand.

“Aww, you bringing me flowers again, Mr. Goldhirsh?” Luke teased.

Mr. Goldhirsh ignored him and made for Aunt Jess.

“And there she is, the most beautiful woman in Ryker Falls.”

His aunt blushed as she always did, and took the flowers, accepting the kiss he gave her.

Joe caught the shocked look on Bailey’s face before she took another mouthful of coffee.

“They’ve had a thing for years.”



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