Page 120 of Somebody to Love

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“Forget Mary Howard, she’s not worth your anger.”

“I’ll try.”

“Your grandfather’s visit is obviously not a good thing, is my guess?” As usual he was in his exercise clothes, although this time he also wore a small backpack.

“Not so much. Do you ever not exercise?”

“It keeps me fit and feeling young, Bailey. It is now something my body craves, almost an addiction.”

“I could never be addicted to exercise.”

“It’s not for everyone. However, we could walk a bit together and you can explain what is troubling you, and I shall give you wonderful and insightful advice.”

That surprised a laugh from her. “I could do with that, if you’re free?” she said, further surprising herself.

“Indeed I am. I just need to make a call, then I am at your service.”

He walked away while Bailey took several deep breaths. Dear Christ, her grandfather was here in Ryker Falls. Just the thought made her stomach twist into knots.

“Right, we shall go back up past the lodge and cut through the trail that leads back down the mountain to Trainer land.”

“I may not keep up, and am probably not dressed for hiking.”

“We’ll take it easy.”

He kept his pace slow, and she enjoyed the distance that grew between herself and her grandfather. Roxy and Phil stood over them, and the sun was nice on Bailey’s bare head. She looked around at the nature on display, and slowly began to relax.

“So tell me about this grandfather.” Mr. Goldhirsh had taken the lead, and threw the words over his shoulder.

“It’s complex.”

“Most good stories are, and as it is just us up here, and I am of course the soul of discretion, whatever you say will not be passed on.”

Why not? She’d changed so much since coming here, what would it hurt to talk to Mr. Goldhirsh? His advice may even be helpful.

“My mother has always been under his control, which is part of the reason why my father left, so when we moved to live with him in Boston, he just carried on controlling her, and me. I finally rebelled, and he doesn’t like it, so he’s come here to collect me and take me back to Boston.”

“And you let him control you?”

“To my shame, yes I did.”

“What changed?”

She thought about that as they moved deeper into the trees. They formed a roof overhead for them to walk under, and the dappled sunlight was pretty.

“I enjoyed parts of the life for a while. I handled the performing, but I did get terrible nerves beforehand. But it was mainly the rest of it that I didn’t enjoy. The press, the hotels, the parties and insincere people.”

“They can’t have all been insincere.”

“No, there were a few good ones. Clark was good, but he was controlled too, by Grandfather.”

“What was the catalyst for change then, Bailey?”

“I had an accident, and suddenly felt the need to break free, and so I did. I told Grandfather I was leaving, and got in my car and drove away.”

“That can’t have been easy.”

“No, for many reasons, but the point is I like being in control now. I like working in the stables, because I do so by choice. He can’t accept that.”
