Page 121 of Somebody to Love

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“Then you need to make him accept that.”

Bailey grabbed a tree as they passed and stripped a few leaves. Crushing them, she inhaled the lovely earthy scent.

“I tried just then. He’s staying in Ryker until I’m ready to see reason.”

“He can’t kidnap you, Bailey. You don’t want to go, you don’t go.”

“You make it sound simple.”

“No, it’s not simple, but you need to find the strength that helped you walk away, to make him believe you when you say no.”

“I know it sounds weak when compared to what you have suffered. What so many have suffered, but at the time I just couldn’t seem to find a way out of my life.” Which pretty much summed up the person Bailey had been.

“Not weak, no. You could never be that, Bailey. You saved Jack, and helped Joe bring in Elijah, and then there’s this business with the fire in the stable.”

“Have you heard any word, Mr. Goldhirsh?”

“Chief Blake said they are trying to find Joe’s father, because they believe he may be involved. He could not say much, but suspects both incidents on the Trainer land are connected and could be related to him. As for Elijah, they are unsure, but it’s a terrible time for his wife and children. The community will fully support them of course, but their suffering will be great, I fear.”

They walked in silence for a while, just the sound of their footsteps and nature around them. Bailey let thoughts come as she followed Mr. Goldhirsh. She wanted to stay in Ryker, and she loved Joe. How did he feel about her? They had so much to talk about before either of them could move forward. For now, she had to deal with her grandfather. Once that was done, she could deal with Joe.

They walked for a while, and then Mr. Goldhirsh declared it was time to sit and eat. They found a spot that offered a wonderful view of the twins.

“So, you and Aunt Jess,” Bailey said as she took the cookie he handed her.

“She’s a wonderful woman, Bailey. We both love poetry, and many other things.”

“Is she an exercise fanatic too?”

“No, in that we differ, but that is a good thing also.”

She wasn’t sure how long they sat there talking, but had to admit she enjoyed the solitude and company. They discussed music, and books, and then started on politics—on which they agreed to disagree.

“Well, my dear, we have been gone some time now. Are you ready to go back?”

“I am, and thank you, Mr. Goldhirsh. My head feels a great deal clearer for the talk, and exercise.”

“Anytime. Sometimes a few hours away offers clarity.”

They cut down through Joe’s land, and as they reached the main house, Bailey noticed a lot of cars.

“I wonder what’s going on in there.”

“I’m not sure. Shall we go and investigate, Bailey?”

“Oh... well I don’t think so, as we’re not invited.”

“They may have news, Bailey. We should really go and see.”

She followed him as he headed up the front steps. Was Joe there? Her heart beat a little faster at the prospect of seeing him again.

Chapter 34

Joe hadn’t wanted Bailey to deal with her grandfather on her own, and neither had Clark, who surprisingly had turned out to be all right. But he hadn’t been able to stop her, and understood she had to deal with this her own way. But it was a hell of worry knowing she was with that old bastard.

Joe had hit on the party to keep his mind occupied, and he’d rung his family and friends, told them it was Bailey’s birthday, and everyone had got busy. It was Mr. Goldhirsh who’d saved the day by calling and telling Joe he was taking her hiking. They’d had three hours to put a party together.

They had cake, balloons, and presents, because Piper had told him Bailey had never had a proper party, which to Joe’s mind was just another reason to go to the lodge and give that asshole grandfather of hers a piece of his mind.
