Page 122 of Somebody to Love

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“Just got a call from Lenny up the lodge,” Luke said tying off the end of a balloon. “Said Bailey went at it with Mary Howard again, told her, in his words, that she’d better keep her mouth shut or Bailey would make her sorry. He then said if you didn’t want her, he’d be keen to step in.”

“I told her to stay away from that woman.”

“Seems she’s defending you, brother, maybe you should let her.”

Maybe he should, Joe thought getting that warm feeling all over again. If she was defending him did that mean she cared for him like he cared for her?

“Tell Lenny, I’ll break both his legs if he goes near her.”

“She’s coming!” Maggie came back into the room at a sprint. She’d been lookout.

Shelving his thoughts for now, Joe moved to stand beside the door.

They all listened as Mr. Goldhirsh told Bailey that everyone must be out back. He then entered the room, with Bailey on his heels.


Her mouth fell open, and she looked stunned, her eyes moving around the room fast. They settled on Joe, who was closest. At his side sat Buzz, with a big red bow around his neck.

“I d-don’t understand.”

“It’s your birthday party, Bailey. We’re celebrating.”

She bit her lip, then sniffed, and he knew tears were next.

“Clark has a big mouth,” Joe said, moving to stand before her. He took her into his arms and held her close.

“Happy birthday, baby.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Her fingers went to Buzz’s head. The dog moved closer and rested against her legs.

The animal always had the knack of knowing when a person needed his support; it was one of the things Joe loved most about him.

“Go with thank you, that usually works.”

She let him hold her while she sniffed and cried. When she lifted her head off his chest, she was smiling.

“I’m having a birthday party?” Her hair was coming down, and her face still had a smudge of dirt, but she looked pretty damn good from where he was standing.

“Yup, and you have presents to open, so get to it.” He nudged her forward. She was then hugged and kissed, and the smile grew wider as she saw the balloons and cake.

“It’s a Mickey cake!” Bailey hurried to the table. “How did you get that so quickly?”

“Piper went to Tait’s bakery, and they had that cake in the window. It was for someone else, so she bribed Mr. Tait, and he caved. So some six-year-old is going without, but don’t feel bad,” Joe said.

“My chest hurts,” Luke said softly to Joe. “I’m thinking we need to pay her granddaddy a call and mess him up a bit, if this is the first special birthday cake she’s had in her lifetime.”

“He’s old, unfortunately, but we can serve him up a few nice words,” Joe said, feeling the same pain in his chest as he watched Bailey inspect the cake and balloons.

“Thank you,” she said, still smiling. “It’s really lovely of you all to do this for me, and I know Maggs and Piper heard my drunk ramblings about Mickey cakes, and balloons, so thanks to them also. Twenty-eight is possibly too old for this.”

Everyone said no, it wasn’t.

“Now open the presents.” Jack nudged her to a pile on the end of the table.

“Has she really never had a birthday party?”

Joe shook his head at Aunt Jess’s words.
