Page 131 of Somebody to Love

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“Tell me it wasn’t you who lit that fire, and shot Jack?”

“Of course it was,” Angie said calmly. “I saw you that day lying on top of Joe. I knew you were a threat to me so you had to be removed. But I missed and got Jack.”

“You’re insane,” Bailey said.

“No, I’m perfectly sane, and know what I want. If that fool Elijah hadn’t overheard me offering to pay Tim Trainer to kill you, then he wouldn’t have had to die, but he did.”

“You killed Elijah?” Bailey was suddenly aware of just what she was dealing with, a maniac who had already killed, and would not hesitate to do so again.

“We killed him. Me and that fool Tim Trainer. He nearly had you at the bar, which was coincidence, by the way. He was out there waiting for one of his sons.”

“H-he was going to harm one of his own children?”

Angie nodded. “I wanted you and one of Joe’s brothers dead. He would need me then.”

Bailey felt sick that this woman was willing to kill innocent people to get to Joe.

“Joe doesn’t love you, Angie. He loves me, and he’ll never want another woman, even if you kill me.”

“Shut up!”

Angie sounded crazed now, so Bailey did as she was told... for now. She had to escape, had to find a way to get away from Angie and back to Joe. No way in hell did she want this woman anywhere near him again.

They’d only been driving a few minutes when Angie pulled off the road and down the Nook, a narrow track where local teenagers hung out.

“This leads to the river. I thought it would be a good place to drown you.”

The words were spoken calmly, and sent a shiver down Bailey’s spine. How the hell had Angie hid the madness for so long? She’d fooled all of them.

“With luck, your body will end up on Joe’s land, then he’ll know for sure you’re gone.”

“This will never work, Angie. Stop now, before it’s too late.”

“It’s already too late.”

The track was narrow and rutted, both sides lined with trees, and Bailey held the seat as Angie sped up it. Stopping the car, she waved the gun at Bailey.

“I’m getting out. You follow out my door.”

Bailey had no choice but to do as Angie asked.

“Now we walk, because while I’d be happy to shoot you here, you’re too heavy for me to carry you far, so drowning you will be much tidier after I knock you out. But if you try and run, I will shoot you, Bailey, and make up a story everyone will believe.”

“You’re insane, Angie, to think you’ll get away with this.”

“Oh I will, because people in this town like me. Joe will need someone to comfort him while he mourns your loss, and I’ll be there for him.”

“You can’t be serious?”

“I am. Now move.” She shoved Bailey forward, and they began walking. Every few feet, Angie prodded Bailey in the back with her gun. She didn’t want to die today... or any day soon. Bailey had her life to live, and she wanted to live it with Joe at her side. The thought of him at the mercy of Angie had her determined to escape; she just had to find the right moment. She was strong now, she could do this. She concentrated on him then, focused on Joe.

I love you, Joe, please find me.

Chapter 36

Joe tried to work through the next hour. He also tried to call Bailey several times, but she didn’t answer, which meant A. Her phone battery needed charging again, or B. She didn’t want to talk to him.

He tried to focus, but something other than Bailey was making him anxious, and he couldn’t put his finger on it. She’d said she loved him, and because of that, he knew things would be okay with them. Sure, he probably did need to start thinking about her when he made decisions—even, apparently, if they were in her best interest. In hindsight, six thousand dollars was a lot to spend on a birthday present. But she was worth that and so much more to him. Money meant nothing when compared to Bailey.
