Page 22 of Somebody to Love

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Bailey found herself laughing again as the woman walked away to get her coffee. She’d done that a few times since arriving. It was weird how she’d safeguarded herself over the last few years from expressing or feeling emotion, but here.... In the place she’d been born, it was different.

“Coffee and donut.” The waitress placed her order on the counter.

“Thanks.” Bailey cradled the mug and sipped. She then ate the donut slowly, savoring the different flavors as they settled in her mouth.

“How do they rate?”

Bailey nearly fell off her chair as the deep words reached her. A large hand steadied her. Joe Trainer took the seat next to her, filling up far too much space.

His hair was damp. He wore a blue T-shirt today, and shorts sat low on his hips. He looked vibrant, alive, and sexy as hell.

“The donuts.” He pointed to her plate, and Bailey noted the wide silver band around his middle finger. “From memory, you always had a sweet tooth, so how do they rate?”

“They’re good.”

“Do I have to serve you again?”

Bailey looked at the waitress, who was smiling at Joe now. Another thought hit her then, one she’d never even considered. He could be married now, and possibly even have children. Why did that thought hurt so much?

“What’s that look for?”

“What look?” Bailey dragged her eyes from him, and focused on her plate.

“Like you just remembered something and it’s all bad.”

“No,” Bailey lied. Looking at the girl again, she saw something familiar in her face. “Are you two related?”

“I’m her cousin, what gave it away? The good looks, and sparkling charm? Although, to be fair, I’m more popular than Piper.”

“Like hell! I’m the Trainer hottie—”

“Said no one ever,” Joe drawled. He then laughed as his cousin poked out her tongue and walked away.

Bailey sipped her drink and felt suddenly uncomfortable. There had been a time she and Joe hadn’t needed words, just companionship. All that had changed now.

“Where’s Buzz?” Piper returned with Joe’s coffee.

“He stayed out late last night, so he’s snoozing in the pickup.”

“That dog has a better social life than me.” Piper moved on again to serve another customer.

“Piper is my Aunt Jess’s daughter. Do you remember the letter you—”

“I remember,” Bailey interrupted Joe. He’d wanted to write to his aunt, asking her to come and help them, and she’d helped him.

“Piper and Aunt Jess have been living with us for years.”

In spite of their backgrounds, they’d once been friends. Bailey had been raised in a household where everything had to be perfect, including her, and he was the exact opposite, raised with an abusive father, and a mother who had run away unable to cope, leaving her sons at the mercy of a bully.

“I never thanked you for that. For pushing me to write that letter.” His voice was low, so only she could hear.

“I-I’m glad it worked out for you all.”

“Donut.” Piper returned with a plate for her cousin, and broke the silence that had fallen between them.

“How are you enjoying living with Maggs, Bailey?” Joe asked.

“Bailey?” Piper Trainer studied her, then her cousin. “Bailey Jones, right?”
