Page 39 of Somebody to Love

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He laughed as she walked away from him to the closest horse. Buzz, he noted, had followed, which was interesting. His dog had certainly taken to Bailey.

“This place can house twenty horses in the winter.” Joe kept pace with her. “We have an indoor arena through those doors at the rear. Jack mainly does the work, and from here he runs trail rides, or gives lessons, with the help of the staff. Nice shoes, by the way,” he added.

“I like them.”

“I guess that’s all that matters then.”

She stopped and looked down at her feet. “What’s wrong with my footwear?”

“They’re peach.” Joe led her to the first horse.

“I happen to like peach.”

“Well, good for you, and so do I, but I like to eat mine.”

“Or wash your hair in it,” Bailey said, stepping up to the stall, and holding out a hand.

“Oh now that had a kick to it. Nice work, Bailey.”

She ignored him.

“That’s Arthur, as in King, because he thinks he’s the head dog around here.”

“Or horse, as the case may be,” she said. “Hello, lovely, you’re definitely a big boy, aren’t you.”

Joe watched as she fussed over Arthur, the horse all but purring as he lowered his head and she scratched him behind one ear.

“He’ll keep you there all day.”

“I don’t mind.”

She gave him a kiss on the nose, and Joe was sure he saw stars in the horse’s eyes as they left.

He took her around each horse, and she gave them the same treatment. He then showed her the tack room, the storage rooms, the indoor arena, and lastly up the stairs to the offices.

“This is the bunk room for any of the casuals who come in when it’s busy. We also have a few kids in to stay and learn the ropes now and again.”

“Local kids?”

“Sure, and out of towners.”

She gave him a look. “Kids who need a bit of help straightening out?”

“You always were a smart girl.”

“You’re giving those kids what you, Luke, and Jack never had.”

He was, they all were, because they’d had help when they needed it, but some kids didn’t get so lucky.

“It’s the right thing to do,” Bailey said.

Why those six simple words made his heart feel warm he had no idea, but they did.

“We thought so. Just need to get the rec center passed now, and there will be another place for them to go.”

“Maggs was telling me about that. It sounds amazing.” Her eyes lit with interest. “The town should be behind it.”

“Some are, some aren’t. Why do you think it’s amazing?”
