Page 44 of Somebody to Love

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“We just came from the house to find you,” Jack said, his eyes going from Bailey to Joe.

“I’m just giving Bailey a tour, as her family used to own this place. She likes riding, and I said she could come here anytime she liked and we’d sort her out with a horse.”

“No worries.” Jack smiled. “You want a ride now?”

“Oh, I-I don’t think I have time. But thanks.”

Bailey wondered why she didn’t feel anything when Jack smiled, like she did with Joe. But of course she knew why. He’d always been the one in her eyes.

“So how’s my man?”

The ice started in her feet and traveled upward.My man?She watched the woman Joe had called Angie come toward him. The smile on her face suggested intimacy, as did the arms she wrapped around his neck.

Joe cleared his throat, no doubt feeling awkward because minutes before, those lips the woman wanted to kiss had been on her.

“Angie, this is Bailey Jones. She’s come back to Ryker for a visit.”

The woman lowered her arms, and held a hand out to Bailey. The smile on her lips didn’t meet her eyes.

“Hello, Bailey. I’m Angie McGregor.”

How dare he lock lips with her one minute, and introduce Bailey to his partner the next.Bastard!

“Hello,” Bailey shook the hand. “Please excuse me, as I have to go now. Thanks for the tour, Joe.”

She made herself nod in Joe’s direction, then walk by Jack.

“So, Bailey.” Jack followed her down the stairs. “You keen on that ride now, because I’d sure like to hear what this place was like before you left.”

She wanted to ride, so why shouldn’t she? Damn Joe Trainer, she wasn’t letting him make her run for cover again. She’d thought the man she’d seen since arriving back in Ryker was a good one, but now she knew different. He was a two-timing asshole. This should make her happy; at least now she had a reason to stay away from him.

It didn’t. In fact, it hurt like hell.

“Yes, please, Jack. I’d really like a ride.”

Chapter 13

Joe watched Bailey leave without looking at him again. She would be justifiably pissed off and confused right about now, and thinking him the lowest life form... which he kind of was, but not really. It was complicated, but to his mind, the short version was he and Angie never had anything but a casual relationship. He’d just need to get Bailey to understand that now.

“Angie, we need to talk.” He said the words because he knew it was time to stop any further contact but friendship with this woman. Not that he thought she’d mind, especially if Luke had been right and she was seeing Ted from the lodge.

If he and Bailey ended up in bed, which he’d be doing his best to make happen, he didn’t want to be involved even slightly with another woman. Besides, whatever this was between him and Miss Jones, he had a feeling it ran deep, way deeper than any other relationship he’d ever had, which was a damned scary thought, but one he’d put away for another day.

“Okay, sure, but first let me tell you about what happened while I was visiting Uncle Carl. He fell, and they had to put him in hospital, and while he was there they carried out tests. It’s not good, Joe.”

So maybe now wasn’t the right time, he thought thirty minutes later as Angie sniffed. She was upset about her uncle, and he didn’t want to talk about not seeing each other again while she was emotional.

“I missed you, Joe.”

“Sure, and I’ll always be here as a friend, Angie. How about we go out to dinner on Wednesday? I’ll get Em to cover?”

Her smile was wide. “Yes, I’d love that.”

“Great, I’ll make the booking, and pick you up at seven.”

She got to her toes and kissed him. It was Joe who eased back, because he felt nothing.

“I’ll walk you down to your car.”

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