Page 45 of Somebody to Love

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“I have to work tonight, you want to come over later?”

Angie worked at the lodge.

“I’m tired, and have an early morning. I’ll see you Wednesday.”

“Okay, Wednesday it is. So, Bailey. You guys go back a bit?”

“Kind of. We knew each other before, but it was some time ago.”

“Is she here long?”

“I’m not sure.”

“It’s nice of you to show her around here, Joe. Can’t have been easy coming on the property that had once been her home.”

He made an agreeing noise. In fact, what he’d done was kiss Bailey at the first opportunity. The hell of it was, he now wanted more of her.

He listened while Angie talked about her trip some more, then waved her off. He then went back into the stables hoping to find Bailey, but she and his brother had gone. He was outside waiting for them to return when Fin ambled up the drive minutes later.

“I came to have a beer with your brother, but you’ll do.”

“Thanks. Jack’s out riding.”

“She must be pretty because an hour ago he told me he had a cold beer in the fridge if I wanted to share?”

“She is,” Joe said without thinking it through.


“The woman he’s out with.”

“Yes, but who is it?”

He couldn’t lie, Fin would know, so he went for distraction.

“I thought you had work?”

“Nope, not in till tomorrow because I swapped with Doofus.”

“You know his name’s Dudley, right, and if he hears you calling him Doofus he’s gonna be pissed, Fin.”

“Sure, just adds to the fun. You working the bar tonight?”

“Night off. Em’s running things.”

“Beer it is, then. Why are you frowning?

Joe didn’t answer, instead he went back inside and to the fridge, took out two beers, and popped the tops. He found his friend sitting in one of the deck chairs Jack used when he wanted to clean tack outside. Buzz was crunching a biscuit.

“We discussed the biscuit thing, Fin. My dog’s getting fat.”

“You discussed, I didn’t listen. So, Angie, she’s back.”

Joe grunted his agreement.

“That wasn’t convincing.”

“Women are confusing.” Joe took a long pull on his beer. “Hell of a thing to try and get it right all the time.”
