Page 60 of Somebody to Love

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“Harmless enough, but not someone I’d want to be stuck in an elevator with.”

“Right, got it.”

Fin explained who was who on the floats, and Cindy added comments about personalities that had Bailey laughing and revising her opinion of the woman.Don’t judge a book by its cover. Maggs however, stood silently and watched the parade. Bailey shot her looks, but her friend didn’t return any of them.

“Cindy’s a biochemist.”

“Congratulations, that can’t be easy,” Bailey said, now well and truly ashamed.

The woman shrugged. “I was gifted with a good brain, I like to use it.”

Bailey liked her more and more with every word she spoke.

“Would you look at the Tea Total float this year,” Fin said, laughing.

The Robbins sisters were sitting inside a big yellow teacup. The saucer had large scones with jam and cream around it, and Mandy, their niece, was dressed as a spoon. Miss Marla and Miss Sarah were tea leaves.

“That’s their best so far,” Cindy said. “Last year it rained, and their float disintegrated.”

“Hello, Bailey!” Miss Marla threw a small bag at her. Fin caught it and handed it to her.

“Is that tea?” Maggs leaned over Bailey’s shoulder to look.

“It says, calming, rejuvenating blend.”

“Well I certainly need that,” Maggs said, taking it, and turning back to watch the parade.

“Now there’s a surprise,” Fin drawled. “Mr. Goldhirsh is in his exercise gear.”

A group of people, all middle aged or older, were jogging alongside the floats. All wore green shorts, and white T-shirts with the words Ryker Roadies in red across the front. They were throwing candy to the kids.

“I want some,” Maggs moved to the front.

Fin caught several pieces and handed them to her. Bailey then watched her open two at once, and stuff them into her mouth. Something was off with her friend, Bailey just didn’t know what.

“And here’s the float I’ve been waiting for, along with half the female population. Although we weren’t sure they were going to run it without Jack. But apparently the hospital let him participate, as long as he sat in a comfortable chair.”

“I’d say the whole the female population have been waiting for this float,” Cindy said, puffing out her ample breasts. “You know the deal with them, don’t you, Bailey?”


“The Trainer males.”

Bailey shook her head.

“A Trainer male is for a good time, not a long time. So remember that and you won’t get your heart broken like some of the other silly women in this town.”

Too late.She wasn’t sure why the words slipped into her head, so she chose to ignore them. Obviously they weren’t true.

“That goes for most men in this town,” Maggie added, sending Fin another dirty look.

“Ignore them, Bailey,” Fin said. “Jack refuses to date Cindy, and she’s pissy about it, and your friend Maggie... well, she’s just pissy.”

“Am not,” Cindy said, but there was no animosity in her voice.

Maggie just raised her middle finger.

“The Trainer float has all of them on it. Jack is a cowboy because of the trail rides, Piper is the barista, and Joe sits at the piano, and Luke dresses in his fireman gear, even though there’s a fire float. Never fails to get the crowds going,” Fin said. “Especially as Buzz is on there too. All the eyelash fluttering nearly causes a mini tornado.”
