Page 61 of Somebody to Love

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“Should Jack even be out of hospital? I mean, it’s only been ten days since the shooting.”

“He’s tough, but not stupid. He won’t do anything that is a risk to his recovery.”

Bailey stood on her toes, eager to see the Trainers. The float stopped beside them, as the ones before had come to a halt, so she was able to have a really good look. Joe wore a cap with A.S. on it, and looked sexy as hell in a black button-down shirt. Piper looked cute in a white shirt, with her hair loose, standing behind a chrome coffee machine making it steam. Jack wore a cowboy shirt, hat, and carried a rope in one hand. He sat in a big comfortable chair and smiled, which only amped up his level of handsome. Luke was leaning on the piano in his uniform, smiling also. Bailey giggled as the two women to her right started waving and calling out his name. Buzz had a black silk ribbon around his neck, and lifted a paw to acknowledge people.

“Damn, that is a fine-looking family,” Cindy sighed, and Bailey had to agree.

“I’m not gonna lie, I’ve had a crush on Jack for years,” Fin drawled.

Joe found her then, and his smile grew. She lifted a hand in acknowledgement, and told herself she was waving to Luke, Jack, and Pip. He was just so male in every way, and even if she was pissed with him for his behavior, he had once been her friend.

“Oh lord, not another one.”

“What?” She looked up at Fin after he whispered those words into her ear.

“You. I can see that look on your face, I’m just not sure which Trainer it’s for.”

“Don’t be silly, they’re my friends.”

“Of course they are.” He winked at her, so she rolled her eyes and looked away, and of course straight back at Joe.

He talked, dressed, and walked like he was comfortable in his skin, something so foreign to Bailey she couldn’t fathom the concept. Everything about him seemed comfortable. She just bet he got out of bed and knew instantly what he wanted for breakfast, unlike her, who struggled with that decision daily.

“Joe wants you to join him.”

“What?” Bailey shot Fin a look. “No way.” She started backing up, but as there was a wall of people behind her, there was no escape.

“It’ll be good PR for the bar.”

“I’m not working in that bar anymore,” Bailey lied quickly.

“Sure you are, we just discussed it.”

“She doesn’t want to go up there, Fin,” Maggie snapped.

“I definitely do not want to go up there!” Horrified, Bailey shook her head at Joe. He simply nodded, then looked at his friend. The next minute, Fin had her in his arms and was lifting her onto the float. Bailey squealed, the crowd roared, and there she was standing with hundreds of eyes on her.

“So for those of you who have been living under a rock, and have not heard her play at Apple Sours, this is the wonderfully talented Bailey Jones,” Joe said into a microphone. “Cheer if you want her to join me!”

Bailey felt hands nudging her to where Joe sat. Looking left, she found the smiling eyes of Luke Trainer.

“Sit right there, honey, and make him look good.”

She sat, because she was too numb to do anything else. One of the reasons she’d left her life behind was the lack of control she had over anything, plus she’d often suffered from crippling stage fright. People were always making decisions for her, from her clothing to what she ate, and where she’d play next. Bailey had decided to wrestle that control back when she’d recovered from surgery.

She’d vowed never again to let anyone tell her what to do, or take choices away from her. This was minor, the rational side of her knew that, and in fact it should be fun, but Bailey had never been good with surprises, or losing control, and this had both elements. Plus, it was Joe. She wasn’t rational around him either.

Her hands shook as she placed them on the keys beside Joe’s. She’d play, because she could do that without thinking, but when it was done, she’d tell him what she thought of him, then she’d hand in her notice and leave Ryker. Coming here had been a mistake. It was time to go. Time to get away from all the emotion this place was stirring up inside her. Time to run away from Joe, and this time she wouldn’t come back.

Chapter 18

Joe felt the tension in Bailey, and realized he’d made a mistake by having Fin lift her up here. It had been an impulse, and he’d thought she’d find it amusing. It seemed he was wrong. She wasn’t happy with him, and he guessed this business with Angie still had her pissed.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to upset you by getting you up here.”

Her eyes turned briefly to lock on his, and he had a feeling that when the parade was done, he was going to hear just how pissed she was with him.

“It’s just a bit of fun, Bailey.”
