Page 64 of Somebody to Love

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Bailey stepped closer and saw her friend’s eyes were red, makeup smeared.

“Why didn’t you tell me at the parade?”

Maggs shrugged.

Bailey had zero experience with consoling friends who had been dumped, because she’d never had any close ones, or been dumped herself. She went on instinct and took the seat beside Maggs. Placing an arm around her shoulders, she then went in for a hug.

It wasn’t the most natural thing to her, but when Maggie slumped against her and started sniffing, Bailey thought she’d done something right. They sat in silence for a while, with Bailey making soothing noises and stroking Maggs’s hair. It was surprisingly comfortable, even considering her friend’s obvious distress.

“I hope he eats something rotten and spends a week with a vile stomach bug.”

“Nice.” Maggie sniffed again. “Who knew you could be mean.”

“I can be mean when my friend’s been hurt.”

Maggie started crying again.

“I’m sorry you’re hurting, Maggs.”

“Thank you, and thanks for being here.”

A knock had them both looking at the door.

“Who the hell is that?”

“I’ll go and get rid of them.” Bailey quickly got to her feet as someone knocked again, this time louder. “Don’t you worry about it. Just get another glass, and we’ll drink our way down the rest of the bottle.”

She ran to the front door and opened it, hoping that Joe Trainer didn’t stand on the other side. She wasn’t ready to face him again right now.

“Stand aside, I have supplies.” Piper gently pushed Bailey to one side, and entered with a bag over one arm. “I just saw the shithead Ben, and he told me he was single again, which lead me to believe a certain redhead may be heartbroken, as she was his other half until recently.”

“He didn’t?” Bailey whispered the words. “What a loser.”

“Yeah, well he’s got a nice bruise right in the middle of his foot now, because I stomped on his sneaker before walking away.”

Bailey looked down at the spiky heel of Piper’s boot.

“Good, and I hope you told him he was a loser as well?”

“And more,” Piper said. “Now I’m missing the party, but this is more important. Plus, if we cheer her up, we can head back in when things rev up later, and hopefully that dickhead will be gone.”

“Ah... sure,” Bailey said.

“Lock that sucker,” Piper threw over her shoulder. “We don’t want interruptions.”

Bailey clicked the lock on the front door.

“Jesus, Maggs, you look like a panda with those eyes.”

Bailey heard these words as she entered the conservatory. Maggie snuffled, which was better than the weeping of before.

“Sit, Bailey. We have some drinks to consume. I also brought my first aid kit,” Piper pulled out chocolate, “to eat while we crucify men in general. It’s part of the process.”

“Is it?” Bailey took the glass of wine Maggie handed her.

“Of course. We tell stories about men, and being dumped, etcetera.” Piper waved a hand about. “Not that there have been many,” she added.

Bailey took a large gulp of her wine, and listened as Maggs told the tale of Ben’s dumping. The fruity flavor was nice, and had her taking another.

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