Page 63 of Somebody to Love

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“It was a bit of harmless fun, Bailey, what’s the problem?”

She jerked out of his grip, and stepped back away from him.

“I-I don’t like surprises, nor do I like people making me do things I don’t like.”

“Sorry. I didn’t realize the great Bailey Jones couldn’t stoop so low as to play on a float in a town parade with her old friend.” He shouldn’t have said the words, they were ugly and uncalled for, but his anger had begun to climb right alongside hers, and he’d spoken without his usual filter.

“Is that what you believe this is?”

“What the hell do you expect me to believe? You won’t let me explain about Angie, and then tell me that shit on the float about Trainer males. You expect me to just sit there and take that?”

“You think I was angry you got me on that float, because I wasn’t playing to a crowd of my choosing? That I would b-be s-so indulgent I c-couldn’t lower myself to play for those people?”

He reached for her as she stuttered, but she slapped his hands aside.

“Maybe you’re right and it was harmless fun, b-but all my life people have judged me, and told me what I should think or feel. Maybe I was just angry you took my choices away by not asking me, not because I c-couldn’t lower myself to perform in front of your hometown.”

“You’re judging me!” He roared the words. “You thought I kissed you while I was committed to Angie.”

“I don’t care if you have five girlfriends! You and I are oil and water, and what we once shared is d-dead and buried.”

“Because I’m not good enough for you?” His old insecurities rose, and with them stupidity. He knew she wasn’t like that, but the words came spewing out of his big mouth anyway.

“And that comment just confirms how little we know or mean to each other now.” She gave him a final look that he felt to his toes, because her face was tight with the emotion she was trying to shut away, and then she turned and ran. He followed with Buzz on his heels, but soon she’d reached the crowds and he lost her.



“I’m an idiot, Fin,” Joe said as his friend appeared at his side.

“Am I supposed to be surprised?”

“I need your help to find Bailey.”


They searched, he and the man who had played a hand in straightening Joe out when he needed straightening. But they didn’t find her. It was hard going, because there were people everywhere, and most wanted to talk to him, or pat his dog, who was lapping up the attention.

“That dog’s a serious babe magnet. I never really realized it until now.”

“Yeah, every woman but the one I want seems to gravitate toward him.” Joe ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

“She’s not here, bud.”

“Fuck,” Joe said again, because nothing else fitted the moment, then went to the bar to get a drink. He’d call on her later when she’d calmed down, and apologize again. And he’d get her to talk to him about what was going on inside her head, while he attempted to get her to listen to what was inside his. Because one thing he did know was that whatever shit was between them, it had seriously derailed him, as was evidenced by his recent dumbass behavior.

Bailey ranthe entire way home. Shutting the front door, she slumped against it breathless.

“That you, Bailey?”

“Yes. How come you’re not still at the parade?” She found her friend in the conservatory. “I thought you were meeting Ben later?”

Maggie sat with a glass of wine and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s in front of her. The combo made Bailey wince. If the bottle had been full when she started, her friend was now halfway down it.

“Are you okay, Maggie?”

“Ben dumped me.”
