Page 75 of Somebody to Love

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“I want you now, Bailey. Tell me you want this too?”

“Yes, I want it, Joe.”

He stepped back, and she watched as he pulled out his wallet and removed a condom. He unbuttoned his jeans, and sheathed himself.

This wasn’t like last time, Bailey knew. That had been a slaking of lust on the man’s part, and curiosity on hers. This was hot, sensual, and achingly sweet. Feeling Joe’s skin, having his hands and mouth on her, it was beyond words.

He stepped between her spread thighs again, and she felt him there at her entrance, the thick, hard length of him moving slowly forward. Their gazes caught and held as he eased inside her. His kiss was slow, their lips clinging, as he took her with a slow, deep thrust.

“Are you okay?” His arms held her tight.

She nodded, her head burrowed into his neck. She felt stretched, and possessed. She’d never experienced something like this before, and because it was Joe, it was so much more, almost too much emotion to handle.


“I’m okay, please don’t stop.”

He lifted her face to meet his. “Never.”

He started to move, his rhythm slow at first, helping her adjust. The feel of his body leaving and entering hers tore a moan from her lips. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on.

“Let go for me again, baby.”

She did with another moan, and it was deeper and more shattering than the last time. It robbed her breath and made her light-headed. Joe followed.

He stayed there, between her legs, holding her against his body, as if she was the most precious woman in the world. One hand on her head, the other wrapped around her.

“Are you all right, Bailey? I didn’t hurt you?”

“No. It was wonderful.”

He snorted. “It was beyond wonderful, and yet I knew it would be with you. Only you have ever been able to make me feel things more intensely than anyone else.”

“It’s the same for me.”

His kiss was so sweet it made tears sting in her eyes. Leaving her briefly, she heard him go to the bathroom, and Bailey tidied herself and followed.

“We have to go back now, or they’ll come looking for us, Joe.”

“I know, but tomorrow we talk, Bailey.”

She nodded. “Yes, I want to talk now. There is so much to say. I-I spoke to Beau tonight.”

“And you haven’t for a while?”

She nodded. “Maggie helped me Skype him.”

“Go, Maggs.”

She laughed, and leaned into him. He held her close, and Bailey was pretty sure she’d never been happier than she was right at that moment.

He unlocked the door and they stepped outside.


She looked at the man standing there. Tall, smooth, and dressed in a suit that cost more than an average family’s weekly wage. Her heart sank.

