Page 76 of Somebody to Love

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“Bailey, who is this?” She felt Joe’s eyes on her.

“I’m her fiancé.”

Sweat dripped off the end of Joe’s nose as he bent to tie his lace. The ball hit him in the head.

“Fuck! Time out already!” he roared, looking at Luke, who was smirking, which told Joe he was the thrower.

“You’re testy today. Don’t you think he’s testy?” Jack said from the sideline where he was watching with Buzz, who was leaning on his legs, no doubt cutting off the circulation with his bulk. His side was better, but it still ached, and he still needed to take things easy.

Joe ignored his brothers and Fin, who was also dripping sweat and had a smirk on his face.

Three days ago he’d had the best sex of his life with Bailey.Not sex, Joe, we made hot, incredibly sweet love.He’d never felt closer to anyone than he had in that moment. He’d thought this was it, the one, the moment when his life changed. But in fact she’d be hiding a fiancé. Which just went to show what a fool he was to believe all her BS about Angie, and how hurt she was he’d kissed her and still supposedly been in a relationship.

Fucking woman!He absolutely refused to acknowledge the pain in his chest as anything but a stitch. He did not care about that lying, cheating woman.

“He’s been dark for three days, and hiding from everyone. Even Pip, who he usually talks to, hasn’t seen him.”

“I’m not dark, and I have not been hiding, I’ve been working,” Joe gritted out between his teeth. To make matters worse, he didn’t know where his father was, and no one had been arrested for shooting Jack. He was edgy, there was no other word for it. Shit was pissing him off, and that wasn’t a good thing, because he couldn’t sleep. Then there’d been the dream he’d had about Bailey last night, which had aroused him to the point of pain. “You fuckers know what that is, right?”

His words were greeted by a series of whoops.

“Work? I’ve heard the word a time or two,” Luke needled him.

They’d been shooting hoops for an hour, and he was about done. In fact, he was about done on a few things. Like why the hell Bailey hadn’t left town yet.

His family had tried to talk to him, but he’d been too busy, and yes... he was avoiding them. But he knew Bailey was still working for Jack, because his brother never shut up about her!

“Real testy,” Luke drawled.

“I’ll show testy, you little shit.” Joe bounced the ball toward his brother, who dodged, and stole it from him.

“Slow and testy,” Jack said as they watched Luke jog to the hoop and throw the ball up. Of course it went through.

“I’ve been working hard,” Joe snarled.

They were at the outdoor courts down by the sea, where they came as often as they could. Looking at the empty space that he wanted for a rec center, he wondered if he’d succeed in getting the locals on side at the upcoming town meeting. With that thought came the memory of his conversation with Bailey.“We would have used it back then, and it would have been warm and dry, and had adults there who maybe could have helped you and your brothers, Joe.”

“It’s a woman. He gets this way when he’s involved. All moody and consumed.”

“The hell I do.” Joe glared at Luke.

“It’s not Angie, because I know that’s done,” Fin mused, scratching the chin Joe wanted to plant his fist in.

“It’s Bailey, because Pip said she’s all sad and quiet too, and has been since the parade and street party,” Jack said. “We’re just not sure why.”

“I’m sure her fiancé will cheer her up!” Joe hadn’t meant to roar, but he had anyway.

“They’re not engaged,” Jack said calmly.

“Right. That’s why he introduced himself as her fiancé, is it? Because he’s not?”

Joe started pacing, dribbling the ball backward and forward as he worked out more of the rage and hurt he thought he’d just eradicated from his body. Yes, it was hurt. She’d sucked him in, and he’d fallen for it. Bailey had misled him. Bailey, of all people. The one person he’d believed in unconditionally.

“I can explain, Joe.”What a laugh. She’d followed him when he’d stalked away that night, firing more lies at him until he’d turned on her and said he didn’t want to hear them. He’d thought her different, but she wasn’t. Joe refused to acknowledge the pain his words had obviously caused her. She’d deserved it.

“Maggie told Piper, Bailey was upset but wouldn’t talk about that night, or the new guy who’d arrived. But she thought him being here and Joe suddenly hibernating were connected.”
