Page 78 of Somebody to Love

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She’d given Clark a piece of her mind too, which had shocked him, and told him to take himself out of Ryker Falls and not return. She also told him to tell her grandfather she was not coming back anytime soon.

According to Maggie, Clark hadn’t left. He’d rented a room at the lodge. She hadn’t seen him, and had no plans to. He’d tried to talk to her though, calling at the house, but she’d told Maggs to send him away. She’d seen him in town yesterday, but hid in the tea shop until he passed. Miss Marla had then insisted on the blindfold test, which she’d failed, but still, it had kept her busy.

Working with Jack kept her sane, and she’d made sure to arrive and leave when Joe wasn’t around. If she heard a car, she ducked in the tack room, or a stall. Her newfound strength was tentative at best, she had no wish to test it with exposure to Joe. Of course, this was his town, and she would see him again soon, but not now—not yet.

Today was Saturday. Maggs had gone to open the gallery, and Bailey had decided to stay in bed. She had a cup of coffee, toast, and one of Maggs’s books. It was bliss. Her body ached from the work at the stables, but it was a good ache, because she had pushed herself hard. A worthy ache, she thought. She’d put up a temporary wall around the crack in her heart, and so far it was holding—as long as she kept her anger close, and didn’t see Joe.

The knock on her front door was loud. Four sharp raps. Throwing back the covers, she pulled on her robe and went to answer it. Peeking out, she saw the bright eyes of Mr. Goldhirsh.

“We can give you six minutes, Bailey. Hustle now, the rest are waiting for us at the end of the road.”

Bailey opened the door a bit wider and looked to where he was pointing. She saw a group of people all moving from foot to foot, but not going anywhere.

“Ah... I’m not quite sure I follow.”

“Walking club,” he said. “Remember we discussed it when you arrived. I think it’s time for you to start exercising now, you’ve been here a few weeks. Now get moving, young lady, we have to be on our way before the sun gets too high. Some of the oldies are a bit fragile.”

“B-but I get exercise.”

“Not enough, now move it. This will clear your head.”

“How do you know my head needs clearing?”

“Piper told me.”

She’d get hers when they next met,Bailey thought, as she watched Mr. Goldhirsh leave, striding down the path pumping his arms.

“But I wanted to stay in bed,” Bailey muttered, running to her room. Digging through the drawers, she found her stretchy exercise pants and sports top, which were new because she’d rarely worn them. Pulling on underwear so fast she ended up hopping across the room and nearly face-planting into the bed, Bailey was dressed in two minutes. A glance in the mirror showed hair all over the place, so she found a band and pulled it back. Running to the bathroom, she cleaned her teeth and washed her face.

“Running shoes!” She ran back to the bedroom and found her sneakers. Seconds later she was out the door.

“Of course, I could have just been brave and said no,” she muttered, hurrying down the path and along the road to where the group stood. She was the youngest by at least ten years.

“Morning!” everyone greeted her with a sunny smile. Most wore caps and shirts with the words Ryker Roadies on them.

“Right, let’s be off then!” Mr. Goldhirst announced. He lifted a whistle to his lips and blew two sharp bursts. Everyone fell into two lines, and started walking.

What the hell have I got myself into?

She counted twenty people. She was paired with Miss Sarah and Mrs. Lowens, who as it turned out knew everyone, and everything about everyone.

“Bernie’s had his second hip replaced and came back stronger, and Maddie has just had her tenth grandchild. Delivered the wee boy herself, as the husband’s useless.”

Bailey must have issued the appropriate response, as Mrs. Lowens continued.

“Are you still practicing each day, Bailey?”

“No, Miss Sarah, I’m taking a break.”

“Seems a shame. Perhaps Joe would let you use the piano?”

She wasn’t going there, so she made a noise that neither agreed nor disagreed.

“It’s important to keep those fingers limber, dear.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“That’s enough now, Sarah, our Bailey is looking quite peaky.” Miss Marla appeared before her, walking backward of all things, looking fresh and neat. Bailey wanted to bare her teeth. “Deep breaths now, dear.”
