Page 79 of Somebody to Love

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“The youth of today have no stamina,” Mrs. Lowens stated from up ahead.

Bailey was wilting, and they’d only been walking fifteen minutes, but she was damned if she was stopping now.

A younger woman dropped to Bailey’s other side when she slipped back, the Robbins sisters powering on ahead. She thought briefly about slowing, then simply turning and running back to the house, but wasn’t entirely sure they wouldn’t come after her.

“How you doing?”

“F-fine,” Bailey panted.

“Takes a few times to get used to it, but you’ll feel better for it. I’ve been doing this for a year now, and wouldn’t miss it for anything. My husband says it’s improved our sex life.”

Luckily, Bailey didn’t have any water in her mouth, or she’d have spat it out. She choked though, which was surprising because there wasn’t a drop of saliva left in there.

“Name’s Jane.”

“Bailey,” she wheezed.

“I heard you play twice now, you’re good.”


“My husband heard you in New York. His aunt dragged him to the concert, but he said he was glad he went.”

“Oh... ah, I’m glad your husband enjoyed the concert, but equally glad that you’ve enjoyed hearing me play at A.S.” It was the truth, actually. It had always been about the music for Bailey, and giving people an experience they remembered.

“I hope to hear more of you.”

Not happening, Bailey thought as Joe stepped back inside her head. She was not playing there again.

Jane talked for a while more, then others dropped in when she sped up, and on it went until they’d been walking an hour. Bailey’s shirt clung to her, and her face was slick with sweat when finally they reached the main street of Ryker. She was the runt of the herd, no doubting that. The lame gazelle who the others came back to check on. It was pathetic, and she was disgusted with herself.

That was changing now too. She’d get fit if it killed her... which was a possibility if she did it with these people.

“Right now, dear. We will all have a nice breakfast at Phil’s place.”

Bailey looked at the Robbins sisters, who were now standing before her. They looked fresh, and not red-faced. Clothes still immaculate on their trim figures. Sneakers white with no scuff marks.

“We can have coffee now?”

“Yes, and you did well, my dear. It’s never easy, especially as we’ve been doing this for many years now. But given time, you’ll be just like us.”

“W-we’re done?” Bailey tried not to let the elation show too much.

Mr. Goldhirsh patted Bailey’s shoulder and pulled out his whistle. He gave a sharp blow, which made her wince, but everyone else relax. They then all filed into Phil’s.

“I’ll be right in,” she said. When she was sure they’d all gone, Bailey bent at the waist and braced her hands on her hips. “Mother of God, I’m out of shape.”

“I’d have to disagree with that.”

The deep words had her snapping upright. Turning, she found Joe Trainer behind her. His eyes were doing a leisurely study up and down her body, heating her more, if that was possible, which Bailey reminded herself it was not. He was nothing to her. She did not think he looked like sin standing there, hands at his sides, in a white shirt, sleeves rolled, top buttons undone, worn jeans, and sneakers.

“Go away.”

“I just want to talk, Bailey.”


“Remember when you didn’t believe me about Angie? Isn’t this the same thing?”
