Page 80 of Somebody to Love

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“No, it’s not, and I don’t want to talk.”

He was below her, so their eyes were almost level.Walk away, Bailey. Place one foot in front of the other and leave.

“Sure it is. I reacted to what Chip said because it hurt to think you’d made love to me while engaged to him.”

“Clark!” Bailey snapped. “And you should have known that I wouldn’t behave that way.”

“Like you knew me?”

Bailey remained silent.

“You didn’t give me a chance to explain about Angie, Bailey, just like I didn’t let you explain.”

She battled down the guilt, because he was right, but she wasn’t acknowledging that.

“This was different. We....” Bailey couldn’t say the words out loud.

“Had the best, mind-blowing—”

“Stop!” Bailey hissed, looking left and right. “You can’t talk like that out here where anyone could hear you.”

“Admit that you misjudged me as I misjudged you, then.”

“We’re not children anymore, Joe. This entire situation between us is out of control. We should not have done what we did, and this discussion is over.”

“And you like to be in control, don’t you? Because for so long you weren’t.”

Bailey didn’t answer him, but they both knew his words were right.

“Don’t try and analyze me, Joe.”

“I’m not, I’m saying that I understand, and….” He blew out a breath. “I just want to talk, Bailey. No more misunderstandings. Just you and me, and we clear the air between us.”

She looked down at the toe of her sneaker.

“This is uncharted territory for me too, Bailey. What I experience and feel for you is totally foreign. I reacted like any man would when Chet appeared and declared himself your fiancé.”


Joe watchedas Bailey exhaled slowly. “Why do you believe me now?”

“My siblings bashed it into my head.”

“Piper,” she said. “She sat on me until I came clean.”

“I know. Fin said it was a vision that he’ll carry with him for some time.”

“Stop that!”

“What?” Joe gave her an innocent look, then swept his eyes over her body. Those exercise clothes really did something for her. Especially her butt.

Her eyes went from right to left again. “Y-you were....”

“Totally checking you out?” he added. “Sorry... not sorry.” He gave her a slow smile. His black mood of the last few days had lifted just seeing her. He wasn’t about to examine that too deeply. “You been walking with the Ryker Roadies?”

She nodded. “I wasn’t given a choice.”

He laughed. “Yeah, Mr. Goldhirsh can be persuasive when he wants. But it will be good for, you obviously need to get in shape.”
