Page 11 of We Belong Together

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Matt exhaled.

“Dad doesn’t seem any different to me, Matt. But the accidents have definitely been happening. I need to tell you about the fire now.”

“What fire?” Matt’s voice rose.

Quinn explained it to him, and her brother cursed and hissed some more.

“I saw the smoke and ran in to get to him, and he was trying to put the flames out with a sack.”

“Jesus, Quinn, you could have both been hurt bad or worse.”

“I know. I need to talk to him about it. See if he will get a checkup. Maybe things are getting too much for him. Mom said if they didn’t get better, they may have to look at selling the farm.”

“I can’t imagine that place not being in our lives,” Matt said.

“I know. Guess who one of the firefighters was?”


“Luke Trainer.”

“No way.” She could hear the disbelief in her brother’s voice. “I thought those Trainers would be doing twenty to life about now. That asshole father of theirs being the contributing factor there.”

“Yeah, well, seems like not so much. Anyway, I need to go and check on Dad, then I’m going into town, so I’ll call you later with gossip.”

“Okay. And don’t worry about Mom. She loves you really, and keep me updated about Dad. Take care, sis.”

“Mom would love me more if I wore dresses with lace and provided her with a son-in-law and babies.”

“Exactly, so get to it. Okay?”


“Love you,” Matt said and cut the call. She went to find her father.
