Page 111 of We Belong Together

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“Move it.” He grabbed her hand, and they were soon running to the exit.

“Where are you going?”

“An emergency at the Harper place,” Luke called to Jack.

“Call if you need us.”

He raised a hand and headed through the doors. They were in his pickup in minutes. Quinn clicked her belt as Luke fired up the engine.

“Pull on a sweatshirt before you get cold.” He shot her a look.

She opened her bag and grabbed one out, but only because she wanted to.

“What did your mom say?”

“That the goats got into the shade houses and ate the berries.”


“I don’t understand this, Luke. Dad does not make these kinds of mistakes, and the doctor said he’s fit.”

“I was thinking about this last night while I was awake with my mind turning over too many things.”

“I hate when that happens.”

“You were one of those things.”


“Later. The conclusions I came to were that I think you are onto something. Someone is targeting your family. My money is on this guy who wants to buy the land. But why?”

Quinn finished pulling on her sweatshirt and then slumped into the seat. She’d broached the subject with her dad, but he’d dismissed it.

“Call Chief Blake, Quinn. Tell him to meet us there.”

“The only proof we have is that guy made me nervous and nothing more. Chief Blake will think it’s foolish.”

“You know this is the right thing to do, Quinn. If someone is messing with your family, something needs to happen, or it could escalate. If not, then at least you’ll know. Chief won’t be angry because you wanted to talk this over with him. He’d be angry if you didn’t.”

“I should ask mom and dad first.”

“Just talk to him.” He pulled out his phone from his jacket pocket and handed it to her.


“You shouldn’t give your code out to just anyone.”

“You’re not just anyone.”

She didn’t know how to answer that, so she made the call. Chief Blake said he’d meet her at the farm after she’d explained her concerns to him. Now she just had to tell her parents what she’d done.
