Page 112 of We Belong Together

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He parked beside Quinn’s rental. She was out and running before he shut off the engine. Those long legs making short work of the distance around the house to where the berries were grown in shade houses. Luke followed.

He saw her parents. They were standing outside the first house, arguing.

“You left the gate open! Admit it!” Mrs. Harper was saying.

“I didn’t!”

They were inches apart. Quinn forced herself between them, then urged her mother back a few steps.

“Calm down, both of you.”

“You brought Luke with you?” Her mother looked horrified.

“Did you want me to walk?” Quinn snapped.

“What happened to your face?” Mr. Harper demanded. His eyes swung to Luke as if he was responsible.

“I fell on it playing basketball.”

“You need ice,” her mother snapped.

“I’ll get to that, but right now you both need to take a breath.”

“I hear you’ve had some trouble,” Luke said.

“I told Luke what has been going on, and like me, he thinks too many things have happened to not be suspicious.”

Quinn had her cool, controlled façade in place now. The one she hid behind when strong emotions were riding her. Strange how after such a short time he felt like he knew how she worked.

“I called Chief Blake. He’s on his way. The doctor said there is nothing wrong with Dad, so I think there is something else going on here,” Quinn said in an even tone.

“You had no right!” both her parents roared at her at once. United in something at least, Luke thought before he waded in.

“I have every right. What if we’re being targeted? What if this, all the things happening, are deliberate?” If possible, Quinn’s voice was more controlled now.

“Your daughter could have died in that fire,” Luke said before Mrs. Harper could shriek at her daughter.

“Why would someone be targeting us?” Mrs. Harper scoffed.

“Someone wants to buy this place. Did you ever think maybe it could be him forcing your hand?” Quinn asked.

The sound of a car told him that Chief Blake was arriving. Mrs. Harper drew her shoulders back and walked away with her husband on her heels after a final glare at her daughter.

“Thanks for bringing me, Luke. I’m sorry they reacted as they did. They’re embarrassed. Especially Mom. Appearances are everything to her.”

“She’ll get over it, especially if what you think is the truth.”


“You okay?” He moved to intercept her as she went to walk by.


“Liar.” He cupped her face. Dark smudges were forming under her eyes. Her nose didn’t look broken, but you could never tell. “You don’t have to hide from me. You’re worried, and you should be. But you did the right thing, Quinn, calling Chief Blake.”

Her eyes were on his neck. “I’m not hiding.”
