Page 117 of We Belong Together

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“So your brothers are right then. You are interested in her.”

“They did not say that.”

Fin stuffed the second half of his hotdog into his mouth, his eyes smiling.

“Assface,” Luke muttered.

“Who you rolling pumpkins tied to?” Fin said after he’d swallowed.

“No one. I might skip this one.”

“What? You always do it. And usually with a tourist that blew into town for a few days. You give us married and hitched men something to enjoy. The memories of our youth.”

“Right, ’cause you’re so unhappy, after all.”

Fin’s eyes found Maggie as they always did. She was dressed in jeans and a thick green wool coat with a hood. Her red hair was loose.

“Miserable,” he said with a soft smile. “So if it’s not Quinn that has you tied in knots, what is it?”


“You’re one of the happiest people I know, Luke. You embrace life and everything in it. Right now, you’re not that Luke.”

“We can’t be up all the time, Fin,” he snapped.

“Sure, and true, but you usually can.”

“Been an adjustment this week. I guess I’m still adjusting.”

“Hell of thing, starting the week thinking life is a certain way and then it’s not.”


“Heard you’re up for the chief job too. Nice work there.”

“Thanks.” If he was honest, he’d forgotten about that. “You seen Nixon?”

“He was looking at the pumpkins with Grace and Ella. He’ll come round, Luke. It’s just going to take time.”

“I know. I just thought he’d respond better.”

“The first time I met you, you weren’t a lot better than he is now. Aunt Jess had been working on you, so you were better, according to Joe, but you still had a long way to go. Kind of like a dog that’s been kicked around a bit. You needed to understand you were worthy of the love and life you had. Nixon is like that.”

“I know. I just want him to open up a bit and tell us what he’s been through.”

“He will when he’s ready.”

“Whose pumpkins are you voting for?” Nash wandered up, also eating. He had a carton of fries in his hand and a really nice bruise forming on his right cheek.

Luke grabbed a handful of fries and jammed them in his mouth.

“My nieces’ and nephew’s, as are you,” Luke said, eyeballing both men. They raised their hands.


He didn’t groan, but it was a near thing. “Hey there, Ophelia.”

“I’m ready.” She smiled at him.
