Page 149 of We Belong Together

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Luke rang Quinn’s number again. “She’s not answering.”

“Because she’s out searching for Levi,” Pip said. “Which I told you the last five times you rang.”

“You also told me she would have her cell phone on her. She left two hours ago. She should have answered by now.”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to talk to you.”

He’d didn’t like that as a reason why she wasn’t picking up.

He felt antsy, and it had been growing. Off, somehow. Maybe because Quinn had left before he could talk to her, tell her that he was an idiot and there was something growing inside him for her.

Which sounded like he had a growth or something. But he felt like that. As if Quinn filled up places inside him that had been empty.

“You call her. Maybe she’s avoiding me.”

“Why would she be avoiding you?” Joe asked.

“I’m talking to Pip. Why are you listening, when seconds ago you were in conversation with Dylan?”

“It’s called multitasking. A learned skill from having kids.”

“What he said,” Dylan added.

“So answer the question,” Jack said.

“I should have told her I cared when I could have, okay. So now back off,” he snarled.

“Aww, our second-to-littlest bro is finally allowing himself to love,” Jack said.

“Fuck off. And I never mentioned love.”

Nixon snorted.

“Shouldn’t you be, like, home in bed or something?” Luke glared at him.

“I don’t know. I never really had to be in there at a certain time before.”

“Yeah, well that’s changing. I’m not having you fall asleep in class,” Luke said. “We don’t tolerate dummies in this family.”

Jack and Joe snorted. School was never something the Trainers did well. They all had to catch up on what they missed later in life.

“Back to Quinn,” Pip said.

“By all means, circle back to her, and I’ll tell you what I’m telling all of you. It’s not your business.” He glared at his brothers.

“So is it love?” Dylan asked.

“I think it is. He’s never really been rattled by a woman before. Quinn was different from the start,” Joe said.

He rang her again, and this time she answered.

“Where are you?” Luke demanded.

“Help! I’m being followed, by the rock face—”

