Page 150 of We Belong Together

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Her scream and a loud bang were the only response.

“Quinn!” He roared her name into the phone, but she didn’t reply.

“What?” Joe said, keeping pace with Luke as he started running.

“Quinn’s in danger!”

“What did she say?”

Luke sprinted out the door with his brothers on his heels. His heart was pounding. Body tense. She was in danger, and his only thought was to get to her.

“Mine’s closer!” Joe said, opening his SUV.

In minutes, they were heading for the Harper property.

“Talk,” Jack demanded from the back seat.

“Quinn rang me and said, ‘Help, I’m in danger by the rock face.’”

“What rock face?” Jack asked.

“What kind of danger?” Joe asked.

“There’s a fucking kind?” Luke snarled.

“Calm down,” Dylan said.

“She screamed, and there was a loud bang, and then nothing.”

A hand gripped his shoulder. “We’ll get to her,” Jack said.

“Chief Blake,” Luke heard Dylan say into his phone. “Quinn’s in danger. She called Luke saying she was near the rock face.” He paused. “Okay, I’ll pass that on.”

“Fin, we need you. Come to the Harpers’,” Jack said into his phone.

“Chief Blake asked me to have Mickey investigate the name of the man who visited the Harpers,” Dylan said. “He wanted them to sell the property to him. He said to tell you the guy is connected with Perry Mining.”

Luke was already cold and tense; hearing that only increased it.

“I remember reading about those unscrupulous bastards somewhere,” Joe said. “They’ve done a shit ton of underhand things to get what they want, but nothing sticks, so they’re still in business. I think they went after Nash’s land.”

Nash’s land had a border to the Harper land. Fuck.

“Maybe the ATV broke down or ran out of gas?” Jack said.

“She’s a fucking fighter pilot. One would hope she is more clued up than that,” Luke snarled.

They raced down the Harper drive and parked. Both of Quinn’s parents were there.

“What are you doing here?” Ivan Harper asked him.

“Quinn called me, she’s in trouble by the rock face.”

“Let’s go,” Ivan Harper said. “I found Levi and was just about to head out and find Quinn.”

“Someone locked him in a shed in the south pasture,” Shelly Harper said.

The little dog was sitting on his owner’s foot, pressed to Mr. Harper’s leg, clearly still a bit shaken after his ordeal.
