Page 18 of We Belong Together

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“My cousins have the children over there making pumpkins to be judged by the locals.”

“Just saw them, actually. Luke is making a unicorn pumpkin.”

“My daughter Grace would be demanding he do that.” Piper smiled.

“I’ll be sure to drop by and vote for anyone with the name Howard or Trainer.”


They both turned to see an elderly woman waving. Quinn thought maybe she recognized her, but it had been a while.

“Come and have one of the best scones you’ll ever eat. But after, you have to go across the street to The Chocolate Place and eat a pastry. It’s just the way of things,” Piper said, grabbing Quinn’s arm and walking.

“Why do I have to do that?”

“They have a bit of a rivalry. It’s friendly now, but that’s how we keep things fair.”

Quinn actually shook her head. The woman wasn’t serious… was she?

“If you’re a local, that’s what you do.” Piper shrugged. “I’ll explain why another time. Now come on, my guess is you need a coffee fix by the way you looked when I first saw you.”

She wasn’t wrong.

The shop was called Tea Total. It had a huge teacup in the window with cobwebs, pumpkins, and various other Halloween decorations.

“Miss Sarah, do you remember Quinn Harper?”

Of course it was Miss Sarah. Quinn felt emotion lodge in her throat.

“Quinn? Well now, seeing you has just about made my day.”

“Hello, Miss Sarah.” Her voice sounded rusty. “I’m so pleased to see you again.”

She wore a fitted pumpkin-colored dress and green ankle boots. She looked like a fashion icon with her gray hair swept up in some elaborate knot. Miss Sarah pulled her into a sweet-smelling hug.

“I’ve been following you, Quinn Harper. And I could not be prouder.”

“Because of you.” Quinn wasn’t a hugger, but she’d make an exception for this woman.

“Well now, that’s very kind of you to say, but I have no doubt you’d have followed your dreams to where they are now without me.”

Quinn stepped back, shaking her head. “No. You believed in me and took the time to help me.”

She owed this woman so much. Because of her, she’d started to love school.

Piper was watching them.

“You know about this girl, Piper?”

Piper shook her head. But before anyone could say a word, three women walked in arguing.

“I am not changing our shirts to pink!” one said. “It doesn’t scream ‘we’re going to wipe the floor with you,’ Luna.”

“But it could lead the opposition into a false sense of security,” another said.

“We are not changing our shirts to pink, Luna.” Piper stepped into the argument.

“Oh, all right. But maybe we could have a pink logo on them?”
