Page 74 of We Belong Together

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“Why is this important for you to know?”

“Hell if I know, but it is.” He tore open the chocolate and took a bite. “What flavor is this?”

“Peanut butter and ketchup.”

“The hell you say?” He glared at the bar now lying on the table before him.

“I just grabbed the first bar I saw.”

“You need to take more care. Chocolate selection is important.”

She picked up the chocolate and took a bite. It was hideous, but she kept her expression blank.

“You have to swallow that mouthful.”

“It’s not that bad.” It was hideous. She picked up her hot chocolate to try and wash it down.

“Don’t take up lying full-time.” He smirked. “So back to Lionel.”

“Luke.” She sighed.

“Maybe I’m curious about you.”

“Are you?”

He nodded. “Sexy fighter pilot with brains and beauty. Of course you intrigue me.”

“Ha,” she managed to get out through her dry throat.

“Come on, Captain Harper, take my mind off shit by telling me some dirt on you.”

“How do you know it’s dirt?”

He raised a brow.

“When I first met Lionel, he made it pretty clear what he thought of a female fighter pilot in what he saw as a man’s world. That opinion never changed. He made things as difficult for me as he could when the opportunity presented itself.”

“You get a lot of that?”


“Why did he act like he was pleased to see you if he wasn’t?”

“He’s an arrogant asshole who probably thinks I should be pleased to see him. I hated him. Hated the snide little digs he gave under the guise of being friendly or having a laugh.”

“Want me to track him down and beat the shit out of him? You know I’m good for it.”

She knew he was only half joking. Luke sat there all big and conflicted with his own problems, but he’d be happy to take on hers if she let him.

“I’m good, but thanks.”

“So the only reason you don’t like him is because he thinks he’s better than you?”

“No. One night he came to my room and said he thought we needed to get to know each other better, and that it may change his opinion of me. I was in no doubt as to what he was getting at.”

“Now I’m definitely kicking his ass.” Luke’s green eyes fired to life.

“I just politely said no thanks and shut and locked the door in his face. I kept away from him as much as I could after that, and he just continued on the way he had, like that night hadn’t happened.”

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