Page 88 of We Belong Together

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“Hey, Dad.” She got out and went to him, hugging him hard.

“You all good, baby girl?”

“All good.”

Luke and the others said hi to Quinn’s dad. Joe introduced Nixon as his brother. If Mr. Harper was curious, he didn’t say anything. Just shook the boy’s hand.

They’d discussed how to move forward when people met Nixon, and decided they’d say he was their brother. It would get out sooner or later and he was going to live in Ryker with them so they should start on the right footing.

“Thank you for letting us use your plane and have your daughter pilot us to Lyntacky.”

“My girl is an exceptional pilot,” Mr. Harper said.

“She certainly is,” Joe said.

“Looks like you had a time of it in Lyntacky.” He pointed to their bruised faces.

“And then some. What do we owe you?” Jack asked.

Mr. Harper’s eyes went to Nixon before he replied. “Nothing. The trip’s on me.”

“Appreciate it,” Luke said, shaking his hand again. “Really, you saved us hours of driving.”

“I’ll see you in town, Nixon,” Quinn said.

Luke watched her hug the boy. When he released her, the others stepped in to hug her goodbye, and this meant he could too. Pulling her into his arms, he whispered in her ear, “See you around, pretty girl.”

“Sure. See you.”

She stayed with the plane when they walked to where Dylan had parked his SUV. They all then climbed in and were soon heading to the town of Ryker Falls.

Joe talked to Nixon, telling him about the town and how they were in the middle of celebrating Halloween. He just chatted like he would if it was Gracie or any of the kids. Nixon listened, his eyes moving left to right, taking in the scenery.

They’d called ahead. Everyone in the family knew what was happening and who was coming home with him. They’d be there at the farmhouse. It was their way; support always came in numbers with his family.

“So, Quinn?” Jack whispered from beside him. “What’s the deal?”


“Don’t play dumb with me.”

“But it’s so easy, seeing as you’re so dumb.”

Jack smiled. “Annoying me is not deterring me.”

“How about mind your own fucking business? That work for you?”


“Like I said to Dylan—”

“Dylan already brought it up?” Jack whistled.

“Shithead,” Luke muttered.

“Christ, what the hell is Albert doing up there?” Dylan had them all looking out the car window.

The Chocolate Place owner was standing on the roof of his shop fixing a huge orange blow-up pumpkin to the roof. On top of the pumpkin was a witch.
