Page 89 of We Belong Together

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“Is that witch eating a pastry?” Joe asked.

“Can’t tell this close,” Dylan said.

“The man’s too old to be doing that,” Jack said.

“Nash is underneath telling him that, is my guess,” Luke added.

Dylan pulled into a parking spot, and they got out.

“What the actual fuck?” Luke said to Nash, who was bracing the ladder.

“I know. Told him he was an idiot. Luna then told him the same thing, nicely. Nothing changed his mind. Apparently I have to catch him if he falls.”

“Albert, get down!” Luke said.

“Nearly done, Luke!”

“You will be if you fall,” he muttered.

“You Trainers all good?” Nash asked. He was doing the rounds with his eyes. They settled on Nixon, who was standing with Joe. “Heard you took a flight to Lyntacky with Quinn Harper, who I also just found out is a fighter pilot. Not gonna lie, man, that’s pretty cool.”

“And then some. Nixon.” Luke waved the boy closer. “This big Neanderthal is Nash Winter. Nash, this is our brother, Nixon.”

“Well, let’s hope you have more brains that this lot, kid,” Nash said, holding out a hand.

Joe nudged Nixon over to shake it.

“Where’s your girl?” Luke asked.

“Inside ordering hot chocolate. I asked for coffee, but she ignored me.”

“Again? You need to work on that.”

“What can you do?” Nash shrugged.

“Want a hot chocolate, Nixon?” Luke asked. “You and me will get some food while they lure Albert down.”

“Why is he up there?” Nixon had his head thrown back and was looking at Albert.


“Hey, Miss Marla.”

She was stomping across the street toward him.

“You need to get that old fool down.”

She wore a green dress today with pumpkin-colored accents and boots. Her hat was green felt. She looked like a swanky Robin Hood to Luke’s mind. Around her neck she wore a cobweb necklace, and on a cheek was a headstone.

“Miss Marla, this is Nixon, our brother.”

Her eyes moved so fast from the roof to Nixon, it was amazing they weren’t displaced. Her face lost its angry look and softened.

“Oh now, look at that face.”

She cupped Nixon’s cheeks. It was the surprise that had him taking it, was Luke’s guess.

“Hello, darling, welcome to Ryker Falls. These big brothers of yours are some of my absolute favorite people.” She kissed Nixon’s cheek.
