Page 95 of We Belong Together

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“They’re pretty important,” her father said.

“You know Quinn, honey. Say hi to her and her daddy,” Piper said.

“Hi.” Grace waved. “My mom told me you were a pilot. I want to be a firefighter like Uncle Luke.”

“Well now, that’s a fine goal,” her father said. He leaned in to kiss Quinn’s cheek. “I’ll see you all later, as I have a few more things to get done here. You go on, Quinny, and have fun.” He wandered off deeper into the barn.

“Being a firefighter was my next choice if I didn’t make pilot,” Quinn said to the little girl.

“Move your butt, Harper. We have hoops to shoot,” Piper said.

“I may be hopeless, Piper.”

“Are you? Because I can’t imagine someone who’s done what you have not being at least adequate on a basketball court.”

“Flying a plane does not mean I’m any good at basketball.”

“Go change, and we’ll see. We can always sub you after two minutes and you can be the water girl.”

“Something I’ve always aspired to be.”

They walked to the house with Grace chatting about the uniform she was going to wear one day. She was making sure it would be pink.

“How is Nixon, Piper?”

“He’s doing okay. It’s an adjustment for all of us, but him mostly. But I think each day he’s a little more relaxed. He’s staying with Luke, Aunt Jess, and Mr. Goldhirch. I think he responds best to Luke, so we thought he’d be better there.”

“What does he do when Luke’s working?”

“Me and Joe took him to the school yesterday with Grace. Walked around a bit and talked to a few people. When he was ready, we took him in and registered him so he can start next week.”

“I’m glad he has you all.”

“Me too,” Piper said. “I can’t imagine the hell he’s been through or the uncertainty he’s feeling. I remember what it felt like coming here to live when I was his age, but I had Mom with me to make the transition easier. He was all alone.”

“Yeah, it must be hard,” Quinn said as they walked into the house. “Hey, Mom.”

Shelly Harper was polishing the knickknacks in her hallway cabinet. She wore an emerald green tracksuit today.

“You know Piper Howard, don’t you, Mom? This is her daughter, Gracie.”

“Of course I do.” She put down her cloth and polish. “You have that fine husband and two children. How are you, Piper? And look at you, Grace. All grown up and looking cute in your lovely dress. I’ve always wanted a granddaughter to spoil.”

Quinn managed to stop the eye roll.

“We’re just dragging your daughter off to fill in for us on the basketball court, Mrs. Harper. I hope you don’t mind.”

Her mother studied her. “You need to tidy yourself up then, Quinn. Lose the hat, and maybe some makeup. Run a brush through your hair too.”

“Yes, because I will need to do that to play basketball, after all.” Quinn said the words under her breath.

“Look at Piper. She’s gorgeous. Grace too. Why, Jess is a lucky woman to be surrounded by all the children and in-laws. I’m hoping that Matt will give me a grandchild soon, as he’s engaged.”

“I hope so too,” Quinn said with false enthusiasm.

“Maybe Piper could help you with a makeover, Quinn. After all, you’ve spent years with men and none of them have married you.”

“God, let it end.” Quinn sighed.
