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Chapter One

I can’t believe it finally happened, its official, my promotion came through! The excitement to receive the respect I’ve worked so hard for and deserve makes me proud of my achievement. My dad was right, God rest his soul. If I work hard enough and stick with it, it will be just a matter of time before my skills and abilities are recognized. Thoughts of my dad draw my attention to the clear open sky. I thank the man who taught me everything I know.I told you one day I’d make you proud, rest easy Daddy.

Since I've taken enough time for lunch, I throw what’s left in the garbage. The certificate which reads Danica Leroux Undercover Agent goes into my knapsack. I walk across the wide-open grass area and reach the sidewalk which circle’s the park. After crossing the street, I climb the cement stairs back into the precinct.

The usual banter and phones ringing off the hook, makes the floor seem chaotic. But it’s my second home and I love every minute of it. At my desk, there is a message: Call ASAP - Undercover Protective Detail - with a phone number. First day with a promotion and I already have an assignment. The excitement starts to bubble from within as I pick up the receiver and dial the number.

“Hello, this is Warren,” his voice full of anxiety causes some concern.

“Agent Leroux returning your call.” I listen to hear the chaos through the line.

A man yells obscenities and then the sound of glass shatters. “I don’t care what you want, this is happening.” The gentleman on the line spits out with anger and then brings his attention back to the phone call. “Agent we need to secure detail for Hunter Ford. We’ll be at his townhouse in a little while.Please arrive by four this afternoon so we can go over the details.”

Is this guy for real? I don’t take orders from him.This should go through the Chief. I glance down at my desk. Well fuck. He’s the one who left me the message, so he must be aware. “Warren, are you in any danger, right now?” The screams in the background get louder as the man, like a two-year-old child, throws a temper tantrum. Grow up. I roll my eyes at his childlike antics.

“No, no. It will be fine, I’m used to him,” he says.

“Alright then, I’ll arrive at four. What is the address?” I grab my pen to take note. “Sixty-Nine Comings Lane. See you then,” and the line goes dead. I read the address again. This has to be a joke, right?

I look around the room and no-one seems to be paying any attention to what I’m doing. Maybe it’s not, I giggle to myself. Sixty-nine is one thing. But put it together with coming, well if you’re doing it right someone should be. Anyway, what the heck is so important and who in the hell is Hunter Ford?

With a tap on the space bar, I bring the computer screen to life. One click and I’m on the internet. I type in the name.Holy Shit!I scroll through page after page of toned muscle, bronze skin, and emerald green eyes, I’d die for. Turns out Mr. Ford is a celebrity and his next movie premiere is five weeks away. Great, figures I’d get the assignment of babysitting a stuck-up movie star. Well, at least he’s not bad on the eyes.

Have I been out of the loop so long I didn’t even recognize a movie star, damn? I need to stop hanging out in bars and find someone to take me on a real date. A picnic or a movie would be nice. Even surfing would be great. It’s been way too long.

Then again, I know what I want, and when I want it, so why waste time with the bullshit. I’m not the flowers and frills kind of girl. No, I’m more of a thrill seeker, throw in some beer and tattoos and baby I’m wet and ready for you.

Chief Belmont walks past my desk and I jump up to follow him into the office. The door closes behind me. “With all my skills and training you’re putting me on a babysitting assignment?” He chuckles.

“Baby steps Danica. It’s your first assignment, and not for nothing. Your looks will help in this case.” With attitude, I slam my hands on the desk. “You’re lucky you’re my uncle or I’d press sexual harassment charges against you.” His fit of laughter echoes throughout the room.

“Come on Uncle Lenny, don’t be like this.” I sit in the beat-up leather chair and pout. My lip sticks out and I cross my arms.Now who’s acting like the child, screw it. There’s nothing I can do but go out and prove myself. “Fine, what’s the detail?” Uncle Lenny pulls out the file.

We go over the threats; most were over the phone. Nothing sticks out, but what I do notice is with every threat his agent went public, odd. Publicity stunt, maybe?

I flip the page and now know why I’m the chosen one for the assignment. Woman issues. A picture of Hunter with a woman and the big red X marks the spot in lipstick. Yeah, typical woman.

But there is something strange about the phone calls. They don’t fit with the other aspects of threats. It's time to get my hands dirty and get to the bottom of this. Chief tells me to go home and pack some clothes, nice ones, and I’ll need a gown or two. Great I get to play dress up, ugh.

Why can’t I get an undercover assignment with street thugs? Jeans and T-shirts are more my style. Dress up, no way. I leave those only for weddings. Sure, I look good in jeans and I have a few nice shirts and blouses but skirts and gowns? No thanks.

I don’t even wear much makeup, eyeliner and mascara is about it. Chap Stick if needed. Fun fact about me: I only have one tube of lipstick. Its fire-engine red to match the only dress in my closet, my maid of honor dress, my cousin picked out.

With the file in hand I look to the clock. It reads two-thirty. I better get my ass in gear. When the engine of my car comes to life, the stress of the assignment leaves. I got this, I think to myself and I drive down the boulevard towards home. It may not be fancy and glamourous. But it’s mine. Since Dad left us, I have a nice little nest egg waiting for me for when I retire. Of course, it’s not worth anything to me because I would rather have him still here.

Chapter Two


With my hands in the air, I exaggerate, “Warren, I don’t care what you say. I don’t need a fucking bodyguard. Shit, I’m six feet two and all muscle, who’d fuck with me? Besides, the last threat was three weeks ago. It’s probably over. Jealous and crazy women, it’s why I stay single. I’m glad to be back in the privacy of my own home. The familiar walls are my solitude. No more traveling, no filming on location, no more directors yelling in my ear. I plan on taking the next year off to enjoy my wealth while I’m still young enough to enjoy it.” I lean against the kitchen counter.

Warren gulps down the Pepto-Bismol like its water. “I’m aware of the situation, and since you plan on disappearing from the circuit, we have to be careful. There are nut jobs out there and with the movie premiere, I’d rather be safe than sorry.” He places the plastic bottle on the kitchen island and walks into the living room.

Why can’t anyone understand? I’m an adult and can handle this shit on my own. How am I going to continue whoring around with anyone I want, with a bodyguard up my ass? It’s an inconvenience. I’m going to have to lay down some ground rules. I look up to the clock above the kitchen sink, it’s almost four. Great, whoever this asshole is, will be here soon.

“I’m going to take a piss and maybe a dump, I’ll be back. Try not to scare the guard if they arrive before I return.” He says and shuffles his way up the hallway.

Warren’s been with me since the beginning. When my acting career first took off three years ago, he took me under his wing and would never steer me wrong. I went from a small-town kid to a high paid actor in less than two years. I owe him everything.
