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I grab a beer from the fridge and down half of it, hoping to bring my temper down. I know it’s a temporary situation and he’s looking out for me, but still. A subtle sound of a cushion being sat on draws my attention to the living room. Thought Warren would have taken longer. When I step around the kitchen island I freeze. Who the fuck? I step back, and don’t say a word.

On the couch sits a petite woman, shoulder length dark hair, and she’s focused on the table. I lean against the counter and reach behind me feeling for the bamboo block which holds the knives. Once I wrap my hand around one of the handles I slide it free and step back in her direction. Her big brown eyes look up, the right side of her mouth lifts into a smirk.

Who the fuck is this chick and why is she in my house? Maybe Warren is right, maybe I do need to up my security. Her eyes narrow, she flutters her long lashes, then winks. She’s fucking bat-shit crazy, she has to be. I take another step and a subtle hint of vanilla drifts into my private space, my eyes close for a mere second. When they reopen, I’m staring down the barrel of a gun. And not just any gun, a Beretta PX4.Holy shit!

Her eyes light up with passion, she has me if she wants me. I’m at her mercy and she knows it. My mouth goes dry and I can’t speak, frozen in time. Her eyes flicker from passion, to control and then a questionable look.


I jumped over the fence and now I’m breaking into the townhouse. It isn’t hard at all. The security needs to be up to date if I’m going to be able to protect this guy here. I pop the screen and climb through the window of an exercise room. No-one here, I step out of the room into a short hallway.

Wooden floors cover the length and a plush gray carpet starts in the living room area. With my back to the wall I assess the area and check my watch. They should be expecting me. Why is no-one around? With a swivel of my head I search the room, and movement from what looks like the kitchen area catches my attention.

Okay tough guy, let’s see how tough you are. Out of view, I walk over to the sofa and make myself appear at home. Hard headed or not this guy needs to know he’s in more trouble than he thinks. I sure the hell am not going to put up with his temper tantrums. He’s my first assignment and I’m not going to blow it.

From the corner of my eye, I watch as he steps in from the kitchen. He looks from the hall to the fireplace and then his eyes settle me. Startled he steps back. Took you long enough, I think to myself but say nothing. I lift my head and bat my eyes then wink. Yeah asshole. A crazy woman invading your home, what are you going to do? The fear and confusion on his face cause my insides to chuckle.

He backs up and reaches for something behind him. When he comes towards me, I wait to make my move. I see the shine of a blade at his side, okay let's tango. His eyes close as he takes a deep breath and I jump up, draw my gun, and aim.

His eyes fly open and the knife he was holding drops to the floor. I wait a full minute without saying a word. His pulse increases, sweat begins to form on his upper lip. My insides celebrate the fact I won this round. I lower my gun and step past him, kicking the knife to the side. A real tough guy,not.

I plop my ass on the stool at the kitchen island and he side steps. Little does he know what danger he put himself in. “Did you just back yourself into a corner?” This guy is a real winner. No wonder he needs protection. He's a joke; unable to hide my satisfaction, I giggle.

“You’re nothing but a big ass pussy,” I take my badge off my hip and throw it on the marble counter. He reaches down for the knife and points it in my direction. Come on man, he hasn’t taken his eyes off me.Look at the badge you big jerk.

“Put it down Sparky, I’m not here to hurt you. In fact, I proved my point. Security is an issue. I’m Agent Leroux, you can call me Danica. I’m here under Chief Belmont's orders.” His eyebrows scrunch together, looks down at my badge and puts the knife back in the block.

When he turns to me, his mouth opens to speak but nothing comes out. This occurs a few times and it’s quite comical. “I’ve left men speechless before, but never with my clothes on.” I wiggle my eyebrows.

His eyes widen, and all I can think is: here’s this big muscular guy, and little ol’ me scared the shit out of him. Hmm, fucking with him might make this assignment more fun.

“You’re lucky. I could’ve killed you,” I lift my Beretta to my cheek and slide my tongue along the cold metal barrel. A sound comes from behind me. In one swift move, I cross the island and place my hand against Mr. Ford’s chest. With him behind me I aim the gun at a short stocky man shuffling down the hall.

When he looks up he stops in his place. His mouth falls open, a muscular arm swings around and chops at my arm. Seriously, he’s going to try and disarm me? My elbow jets back and I make contact with his ribs.

He wraps his arm around me and holds me to his chest. I flick my head back and make contact with his, he lets go and stumbles backwards. Dazed for a second.


Ow, my nose! She head butted me. “You bitch,” I reach for her again but she blocks me, she’s quick. I lurch forward but she grabs hold of my wrist, spins me around and pushes me against the unforgiving wall. Holy fuck.

She applies pressure and raises my hand higher in the center of my back. Her warm breath caresses my neck, and the next thing I know, my knees hit the floor with a thud. My cock twitches, why is this turning me on, what the hell?

“Now, if you guys can stop fucking around. I’d like to get down to business and introduce myself.” She releases my arm with a shove and walks into the living room. Her gun slides back into the holster above her ass. And a nice ass it is. I stand and take in her curves.

She can’t be more than five feet three, maybe. Her deep brown hair hangs past her shoulders and her hips sway with every step she takes. When she turns, her lips draw my attention— plump, the kind I want to kiss. I shake my head and try to clear the thoughts. Where did that come from?

“Warren, you need a drink?” I ask as the seal cracks open on the can of beer I grab.

“Yeah, I think I might.” He says as he makes his way over to the sofa. Since he doesn’t drink alcohol I take a soda and toss it to him.


His dark emerald eyes shoot daggers through me as he swallows. Awe, sorry babe. Did I hurt your ego? Knock you down a notch or two? Good. Now you’ll take me seriously. I may be petite but I can handle myself. In fact, the bigger they are - the harder they fall. Its men like you who give all men a bad rep. I kick my legs out in front of me and my boots land on the coffee table.

“I’m Danica, your bodyguard. FYI- I don’t take orders from you, I take requests. I’ll do my best to fulfill requests. However, I do have standards. My one and only goal is to protect you, and keep you safe.” Both men sit across from the chair I’m in and stare.

What is with these guys? After a few minutes of looking back and forth at each other, the short stocky one stands. As he slouches over, he extends his hand.

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